In this article rates of social privileges, charges and deduction in a pension fund, contributions on temporary disability, contributions to an unemployment case, contributions from an occupational accident are stated.
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Tag Archives: social security
Concerning the taxation of the sums of the depreciated monetary savings and the tax credit according to the personal income tax
GNAU letter from 09.06.06 of No. 11041/7/17-0117 is published: 1) concerning the taxation of the sums on the depreciated monetary savings of citizens by debt repayment for housing-and-municipal services of other citizen; 2) concerning the right of inclusion in structure of the tax credit of expenses on the training, suffered by parents for children students.
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System of voluntary pension insurance
In this article the system of pension insurance is stated, the explanation about voluntary participation of citizens in system of voluntary pension insurance is given.
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Changes of the pension legislation in 2008 on pension recalculation to the persons, continuing to work after purpose (recalculation) of pension
According to point 4 of Art. 42 of the Law of Ukraine About obligatory state pension insurance from 09.07.2003 No. 1058 – IV (with changes) since January 1, 2008 for working pensioners is carried out pension recalculation.
In the publication explanations on pension recalculation are made, examples with calculations are given.
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We index a salary
In this publication the order of carrying out indexation of the monetary income, the basic rules of indexation is stated.
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