In article there is a speech about carotene losses in hay at storage; the schedule of losses of this substance on months which will help to make a diet for any month of the winter and stall period is provided.
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Tag Archives: stern
Peas role in a solution of the problem of forages
In article it is noted that one of the main roles in creation of good food supply is allocated for peas. It use as grain in a mix with other cultures, and on a green forage.
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Magic of yeast in animal husbandry
In article it is told about advantage of use of yeast in a diet of animals, especially ruminant.
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Don’t mow a plait, while dew …
Results of experiment of the State of Utah of the USA are given in this article. The essence it is reduced that the hay mown at after-dinner o’clock is more useful morning.
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Experience of application of small doses of urea when feeding cows
Authors of article tell about a problem of providing diets of animals protein enough, give an experimental material of replenishment of its deficiency in diets ruminant at the expense of urea.
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