In article recommendations after a scrap of long-term plantings, victims of a frost are made. The age of plants, force and nature of winter damages is thus considered. It is known from practice that in favorable conditions at a high agrotechnology of a plant can restore the viability since in many cases frosts don’t kill cages and a fabric completely but only damage them.
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Monthly Archives: October 2013
Let’s be lost carrots
Carrots at storage are very sensitive to temperature increase. About ways of long storage of carrots there is a speech in article.
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Symptoms of diseases of seeds of a soya
In this note it is a question of diseases of seeds of a soya: askoxitoze, a bacteriosis, white decay and as them to distinguish.
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In this note answers to questions are given:
– What term of use of the decision on restoration on work is established by the legislation?
– Whether can refuse the employee of state-financed organization with the unrationed working day to work after the normal working day?
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On measurements it is unprofitable to sell
The owner of a farmstead who is bringing up pigs, without having scales, can, having familiarized with the table, to define approximate weight of an animal.
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