Accounting of long-term biological assets of plant growing

In this article the order of conducting accounting on cultivation and leaving of long-term plantings and reflection on accounts is stated.

How to reflect in accounting different operations with specified biological assets (further – OH), will go speech in this consultation

DBAR definition

P (C) BU 30 Biological assets divides OH on current and long-term and their opredeleyoniya gives such.

Flowing OH – it OH, capable to give selskokhoyozyaystvenny production and/or additional OH to bring in a different way economic benefits during the period which doesn’t exceed 12 months, and also animals on cultivation and fatten.

Long-term OH – all OH which aren’t teyokushchy.

Thus, from the given definitions sledu­et that to long-term assets OH belong, spoyosobny to give agricultural products and/or dopolnitelyyony OH, to bring in a different way economic benefits during the period which exceeds 12 months.

To long-term biological assets of a rasteniyeyovodstvo (further – DBAR) belong, in particular, long-term seyany herbs, semechkovy and kostochkoyovy cultures, yagodnik, vineyards, hop plantations, floriculture of perennial plants, rassadyonik of fruit and decorative crops.

Receipt of DBAR

All expenses suffered by the enterprise on creation or acquisition of DBAR, are considered on the debit sub­scheta 155 Acquisition (manufacturing) of dolgosrochyony biological assets. Analytical accounts for the accounting of expenses on this subaccount open by a kazhyody type of long-term plantings.

Expenses on subaccount 155 are considered before the completion of disembarkation of long-term plantings. After that the komisyosiya appointed by the director, examines them and draws up the Statement of acceptance of long-term nayosazhdeniye and their transfer to operation. On an osnovayoniya of the act of planting approved by the director treat unripe DBAR.

Unripe DBAR are estimated on fair stand pave, reduced on expected on a place proda­zhi expenses, and long-term biological assets which are estimated at fair value will be credited into subaccount 165 by Nezreyolye. At the moment of their oprikhodovaniye there is income or expenses of their initial recognition.

The operating income arises in case sprayovedlivy cost of unripe DBAR exceeds ras­xody on their creation, and operating expenses – if expenses on their creation exceed fair value of an asset.

If to define fair value it is impossible, created DBAR are estimated at pervonachalyyony cost, that is on the sum of expenses on their soyozdaniye, saved up on subaccount 155 debit. Such DBAR will be credited into subaccount 166 Unripe dolgoyosrochny biological assets, which ocenivayut­sya at initial cost.

Expenses on cultivation and leaving

After disembarkation of DBAR need leaving. These expenses are considered as a part of capital investments subaccount 155, also as well as expenses on a bookmark long urgent OH.

Expenses on cultivation and leaving quarterly increase cost of unripe DBAR which are considered on subaccounts 165 and 166.

After achievement of plodonosny age a plant the commission which repeatedly draws up the Statement of acceptance of long-term plantings and their transfer to operation examines. Then them transfer to structure mature OH.

Thus cost is OH written off from the credit sub­schetov 165 and 166 and reflected on the debit:

• subaccounts 161 if DBAR are estimated at spravedyolivy cost;

• subaccounts 162, if at initial cost.

After DBAR reached maturity, rasxo­dy on their leaving are considered on account 23 "Production".


After initial recognition the unripe DBAR estimated at fair value, for each date of balance are subject to reassessment to fair value which developed for this date.

Are OH reflected for date of intermediate and annual balance at the fair value reduced by sales expected on a place expenses.

Definition fair stoimosti* dopolnitelyyony OH and agricultural production osnovy­vaetsya on the prices of the active market.

Amortization charge

Amortization is charged only on DBAR estimated at initial cost, and carried out according to P (C) BU 7 "Fixed assets". Objekyotom of amortization such OH is their initial cost reduced by liquidating cost.

Liquidating cost undertakes in the sum which the enterprise expects to receive from realization (likyovidatsiya) of DBAR after term of their useful use (contents) (cost of wood of plantings), minus the expenses connected with their sale (elimination).

Charge of amortization is carried out during term of useful use of DBAR, which us­tanavlivaetsya by the enterprise at recognition its akyotivy (at transfer on balance).

Term of useful use is the expected period, during which DBAR will be used by the enterprise in the planned purposes or from their ispolyyozovaniye will be received the expected volume of agricultural products and additional OH (works, services) (is executed). Such term is defined by the enterprise independently.

Amortization on DBAR which are estimated at peryovonachalny cost, is charged on the methods applied to fixed assets.

The sum of the added amortization is reflected on de­betu subaccounts of the accounting of expenses of production in correspondence with the credit of the subaccount of the accounting of wear (amortization) of DBAR.

If there is a possibility to define a fair stoyoimost of DBAR which is estimated at pervonachalyyony cost, amortization charge on it pre­krashhaetsya. And it is transferred to DBAR, which oceni­vayutsya at fair value.

At carrying out the specified operation initial cost of DBAR previously reduce on sum­mu the added wear, which then pereoceni­vaetsya to the fair value reduced by sales expected on a place expenses. The difference interfood in residual cost of DBAR and their fair value reduced by expenses, sales expected on a place, is reflected as a part of other operayotsionny income (expenses).

Receipt of agricultural products from DBAR

Production of DBAR are fruits, berries, hop cones, flowers cut off, flowers in pots, seeds, hay, green material. Besides, from DBAR receive additional OH: shanks, chubuki, saplings.

Initial recognition of agricultural products otra­zhaetsya in the account in that reporting period in which it is separated from OH, and is carried out, if:

• the enterprise got an ownership right on agricultural production, bears risks and receives benefits from possession of it;

• the enterprise will exercise further administration and control of selkhozyoproduktsiya use;

• there is a confidence that the enterprise will receive in buduyoshchy the economic benefits connected with an ispolyyozovaniye of this production;

• its cost can be authentically defined.

Agricultural production and additional OH at their initial recognition are estimated at the fair value reduced by ozhiyodayemy on a place of sale expenses.

As a result of the activity the agricultural enterprise within fiscal (calendar) year receives the income or expenses of initial recognition of agricultural production.

Such income or expenses are defined as a difference between cost OH and agricultural products which are estimated at the fair value reduced by sales expected on a place expenses, and the expenses connected with biological transformations and suffered for receiving OH and agricultural products.

The reflection order in accounting of operations with DBAR is presented in the table.


* About methods of determination of fair value see "Balans-Agro", 2007, No. 14.

* By preparation of consultation Methodical recommendations about accounting OH (see "Balans-Agro", 2007, by No. 4) are used.