Padevy toxicosis – that for an illness?

Article tells about an illness of bees – padevy toxicosis and how with it to fight.

The beekeeper I a beginner, and therefore know about many subtleties of our business only to a poyonaslyshka. Heard recently about such illness of bees, as padevy toxicosis, and from what it as with it spra­vitsya, I do not know. Tell, please.

Page. Winds. Jankoi.

This illness happens owing to intoxication of bees and larvae padyu. Soprovozh­daetsya it a strong rasstroyyostvo of digestion with posleyoduyushchy mass death of bees. They become razdrayozhenny, and from beehives with such bees in the winter proceeds unpleasant to the putrefactive began to smell. Leyotom at this disease the death of three – and five-daily larvae is possible also.

If at you on an apiary the tayoky happens, invite better than the expert who could directly on an apiary or in laboratory is­sledovat medical on existence fall and to put exact di­agnoz.

And here to you practical advice: don’t allow a popadayoniya fall in winter forages of bees. If the ziyomovka neblayogopoluchny, tselesoobyorazno  to give them water, to carry out vynuzhdenyony flight of bees in a room or to expose beehives from a zimovyonik.

It is necessary without hesitating ub­rat from beehives padevy medical, having replaced it with a dobrokachestvenyony or sugar syrup. At diarrhea identification to bees in the winter substitute honeycombs with color honey. In the spring of a nest narrow, clear zayogryaznenny honeycombs, insects are given a good-quality forage.