In article features of some plants reveal.
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Tag Archives: delivery
Functional foodstuff
In article bone food (PKP) is reported about development of scientists of the Kharkov state university of a food and trade about creation of technology of processing of food bones in a semi-finished product. Thanks to high organoleptic characteristics and a unique chemical composition of PKP it is possible to apply widely in the production technology of foodstuff as an obogatitel bioorganic compounds of calcium.
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Tangerines will help to grow thin
In a note it is described that tangerines are expedient for using as the means promoting weight reduction.
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Nuts and eggs for the clever
Influence of such products as nuts and eggs on mentality and talents of the person.
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Scientists advise regularly to drink tea and there is a chocolate
In article properties of chocolate are described. By scientific group of English Oxford university it is established that chocolate and tea improve memory.
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