Scientists advise regularly to drink tea and there is a chocolate

In article properties of chocolate are described. By scientific group of English Oxford university it is established that chocolate and tea improve memory.

Scientists advise regularly to drink tea and there is a chocolate for memory improvement. With such council the scientific group of English Oxford university acted.

Those who doesn’t love sweet, can replace chocolate with one glass of wine per day. It also helps to support a mind sharpness, English scientists note. Thus scientists warn that with wine it is necessary to be careful and not to exceed the established norm, transfers UNIAN.

Experts from Oxford argue that this foodstuff is capable to support a precise mind and memory at the expense of active biological elements containing in them – flavonoidov. The last are capable to prevent presenilation of cells of a brain.

Thus, than age of the person, especially a considerable positive effect there is more render on it tea, chocolate and wine.

On materials of Internet editions.