Rational use of fertilizers – a key to big and stable crops

The main agrochemical indicators of fertility of the soil are given in this article. Recommendations about the correct application of fertilizers are made.

It is known that to receive the big planned crops of crops it is impossible without application of fertilizers

It is known that to receive the big planned crops of crops it is impossible without application of fertilizers. In turn, it is correct to introduce fertilizers it is impossible without knowledge of level of fertility of the soil.

The main agrochemical indicators of fertility of the soil – the contents in it mobile phosphorus, exchange potassium, a humus and solontsevatost degree. The size of these indicators in the basic also defines potential productivity of crops, and to achieve their increase it is possible competent introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Due to the reduction of public herd of cattle by the main source of replenishment of the soil by organic chemistry, instead of manure, there is a plowing of the crushed straw with addition of ammoniac saltpeter by a dose of 30 kg/hectares. To wrap up straw it is recommended in steam fields or on the sites planned under crops of summer cultures.

Under winter crops on not irrigated lands if the norm of nitrogen doesn’t exceed 90 kg/hectares, all is better for bringing it under preseeding cultivation. If it more than 90 kg of the hectare, two thirds of a dose bring under preseeding cultivation and one third in early-spring top dressing.

If before crops to bring nitrogen it was not possible (there were no fertilizers, fuels and lubricants) it can be done at any time after crops, but no later than the end of March. Under summer cultures all norm of nitric fertilizers bring in one step: for the early summer – under the main processing of the soil, for late summer – under one of preseeding cultivations.

Only ammoniyny forms of nitric fertilizers are necessary for rice. All their norm bring before crops, directly ahead of flooding.

All settlement dose of phosphoric fertilizers bring in one step – under the main processing of the soil, in a korneobitayemy layer. Under pozhnivny, poukosny cultures and long-term herbs bring them in a stock, that is under the first or integumentary culture.

Doses of potash fertilizers usually small because of the high contents in soils of the Crimea of exchange potassium. Principles of application of potash fertilizers same, as well as phosphoric, but in ryadka to bring them doesn’t follow.

Important condition of increase of efficiency of any fertilizers – reduction of unevenness of their introduction (it shouldn’t exceed 20-25 %). For this purpose carefully regulate spreaders mineral tukov or use for introduction of mineral fertilizers unsuitable for crops grain seeders SZ-3,6.

It is necessary to note that about 80 % from applied mineral fertilizers are necessary on nitric – mainly ammoniac saltpeter though already deficiency in the soil of mobile phosphorus becomes the main factor constraining productivity.

If phosphorus is considered stable on migration in the soil and replenishes mainly at application of fertilizers, nitrogen – a mobile nutritious element – collects at the expense of activity of microorganisms of the soil and can migrate in a soil layer (0-100 cm) and even is washed away with ground waters. Therefore it is so important to have information on a nitrogen stock in a meter layer of earth before introduction of nitric fertilizers under this or that culture.

Annually landowners of the Crimea buy to 37 thousand tons of ammoniac saltpeter in physical weight for the sum about 40 million hryvnias. On 01.12.2007g. cost 1t ammoniac saltpeter makes 2150grn, ammofosa 3600grn and the tendency of growth of the price of these types of fertilizers since January 2008goda is obvious. How it is rational to use nitric fertilizer for the maximum return by a crop? It is necessary to dose out strictly nitric top dressing, not to introduce nitric fertilizers approximately – approximately and equally on all fields.

Soil diagnostics of a meter layer of earth – here "key" to the solution of this problem. Not a secret that for receiving a crop of winter wheat 30, 40 or 50 of c/hectare is necessary to have in this layer respectively 90, 120 and 150 kg/hectares of nitrogen at the contents in the soil not less than 60 kg/hectares of mobile phosphates. For carrying out such diagnostics it is necessary to have 2-3 soil drills by means of which are separately selected posloyno (through each 20 cm) soil samples to depth of one meter and are delivered in Crimean RGPTC protection of fertility of soils and quality of production.

After carrying out laboratory and analytical research in samples stocks of nitrogen available to plants and amount of productive moisture in a layer 0-100 are defined see.

On the basis of the received data specialists of the Center carry out calculations, and to agricultural enterprise scientific and reasonable recommendations about use of nitric fertilizers on each concrete field stand out.

Leaders according to the demand Crimean RGPTC protection of fertility of soils and quality of production conduct this work most successfully and profitably. They address to us with any questions and the problems connected with application of fertilizers and receive irrefragable answers. To carry out agrochemical inspection – means to establish the exact characteristic of fertility of a concrete field for development of strategy of production, its profitable maintaining.

Besides the Center determines quality of forages, mineral and organic fertilizers, the content of heavy metals and residual amount of pesticides by your demand in the soil and plants, percent of erukovy acid and the contents glyukozinolatov in a rape, amount of nitrates in plants, in the soil, in water sources and irrigation waters, issues recommendations about scientific application of fertilizers, according to agrochemical inspection develops projects on plastering of solonetzic soils.

Dear Landowners! Reasonably invest the money, are on friendly terms with a science, use all reserves for receiving big crops of agricultural cultures, keep and increase fertile capacity of the Crimean earth.

More detailed consultations can be received to the address: Simferopol, Kiyevskaya St., 75/1, Crimean RGPTC protection of fertility of soils and quality of production. Ph.: (0652) 27-35-67, 25-82-40.

A.Vinnik, director Crimean RGPTC protection of fertility of soils and quality of production.