Creeping and hardy

The morphological characteristic of a wheat grass is provided in article creeping. Chemical methods of fight against a malicious weed are specified.

The wheat grass creeping is very hardy. It can’t be destroyed a mattock, as other weeds, or a shovel at perekopke. Even the smallest slices of rhizomes right there pri­zhivayutsya also give rise novo­mu to a plant. It is best of all to cut out a wheat grass a knife as soon as it forms the first leaflet in the form of a shilets. And cut off it with a part of a root. On a cut place che­rez 2 weeks will appear knot of rasteyoniya of a wheat grass which immediately remove and so make till the autumn. The cut-off plants at all don’t put in compost and don’t leave in a boundary path. More cardinal disposal of a wheat grass gives perekopka a site a garden pitchfork. After perekop­ki the torn-off slices of roots collect manually. Roots of a wheat grass don’t throw out – this good means for removal of stones from a human body.

Don’t allow the wheat grass flowering, one plant is capable to give more than 10 thousand seeds!

If to you bothered manually to fight against weeds on the site, it is possible to process favourite hundred parts gerbicida­mi, for example, "Raundap" whom dealers sell even in electric trains. But imej­te in a look that it destroys everything, without doing distinctions between weeds and kulturyony plants. Therefore and is called – obshcheistrebiyotelny herbicide.

In May-June, during akyotivny growth of weeds, pri­stupayut to processing preyoparaty "Raundap", the safest, ecologically chiyosty preparation from weeds.

First of all it is necessary uni­chtozhit weeds lengthways zabo­rov, paths, around postro­ek, in pristvolny circles of fruit-trees. Unichto­zhat this preparation it is possible weeds on beds in the early spring in 10 days prior to crops or landing of vegetables.

On landings of potatoes it is possible to destroy weeds in 5 days prior to emergence of shoots of potatoes. To do it reguyolyarno from early spring to pozdyony autumn. In the autumn – after harvesting to colds.

When spraying sornya­kov protect cultures from casual hit of a preparation. For this purpose cover plants with a film. But if the preparation got on cultural plants, it is necessary to wash away immediately water or ob­rezat a branch.

Before processing sor­nyaki, attentively read the instruction which is attached to a preparation "Raundap".

Spray sites "Rayoundap" in a dose of 4 – 5 liters on hectare or glissoly, fozalony. The wheat grass, mint, a sorrel are especially sensitive. The sow-thistle, an oduyovanchik, a nettle, coltsfoot, a bindweed field more ustojchi­vy also demand for an opryskivayoniya of a bigger dose of herbicide. Usually this operation carry out after the first hay crop. Wait, that the grass is a little otrosla, and then carry out processing ger­bicidami.

However experts, sadovo­dy and vegetable growers at us and for the rubeyozhy oppose a primeneyoniya of herbicides on personal plots. Use of herbicides in many countries reglamentirovayono the law. The wrong doziyorovka can pollute the soil and reservoirs, to cause death of plants and animals, to break biologicheyosky communications in biogeocenoses.

And still. Don’t bring in the soil sveyozhy manure. It is rich not perevarenyony in a stomach of animals seme­nami weed plants. Never water a kitchen garden with overhead irrigation. In this case you water sor­nyaki. Water should be poured or on a bed limited to sides, or it is direct to roots of plants.

(On materials of printing editions).