In article there is a speech about results of cleaning early grain which were brought at meetings of farmers of the Lenin area.
On July 19 on the basis of state of emergency "East" of the Lenin area the regional postharvest meeting took place
In Leninsk the area on the basis of state of emergency "East" the regional postharvest meeting took place. V. Solovonyuk, the chief of Republican inspection of the Gostekhnadzor B.Kuzin, the vice-chairman of Lenin RGA took part in work of meeting concerning agrarian and industrial complex A.Abdurakhmanov, the chief of regional management of the Agrarian Party of Russia V. Homich, the chairman of a district committee of trade union of employees of agrarian and industrial complex S. Mazitov, heads of agricultural enterprises, farmers, the heads of village and settlement councils, representatives of service and serving predpriyayotiya the chairman of Lenin regional council A.Petrishchev, the acting chairman of the Lenin district state administration.
The chief of regional management of the Agrarian Party of Russia V. Homich noted in the report that this agricultural year was quite difficult for farmers of the area. If weather during the winter period favored to development of agricultural cultures, the drought of April-May negatively affected development winter, and as result – an essential shortage of a grain yield.
In total in the area the early grain are cleaned from 38187 hectares. Gross collecting, despite force-majeur circumstances, made 85 thousand t that is more than last year. Average productivity on the area – 22,4 c/hectares. Winter wheat received on 24,3 c/hectares, winter barley – 23,9 c/hectares, summer barley – 9,5µ/hectare, oats – 10,7µ/hectare, peas – 11,9 c/hectares, a rape – 10,7 c/hectares. Generally productivity is higher, than was last year.
117 combines participated in harvesting: 80 own and 37 involved. The highest productivity of the grain is noted in such farms of the area as by state of emergency "East" – 30,3 c/hectares, SPK "Initiative" – 29 c/hectares, ChSP Gold ear – 28,6 c/hectares. In the same farms the biggest gross collecting: State of emergency "East" – (director Yu. Shevchenko) – 16300 tn, ChSP Gold ear – (director I. Kolosov) – 14560 tn, SPK "Initiative" – (chairm I.Kolomiyko) – 6240 tn.
Big crops grew up and in such farms as f / x "Murin" (V. Murin), KFH "Work" (N. Kulik), (V. Lyashko’s) KFH "Lyashko", f / x "Rat" (V. Rat).
In these farms accurately adhered to necessary agrotechnology at cultivation of agricultural cultures, all did in time and qualitatively.
Today before farmers of the area there is a task: not to allow reduction of cultivated areas under winter crops. Currently, on the area of 30 thousand hectares, the soil is prepared for crops of the winter.
Pledge of big crops – seed fund. In our area two seed-growing economy: ChSP "East" and JSC Lider. Grown up in these semxozax seeds of the zoned grades of grain grains will suffice for crops to all farms of the area.
In regional resources the area should prepare 2100 tn a foodgrain for branch of a hlebopecheniye and 2404 tn – in the State food reserve through regional office of Agrarian fund.
Some results of preparation of forages for public animal husbandry were brought also: hay 36 thousand tn are prepared and there is a confidence that the livestock of cattle will increase.
Before the gathered acted the director of state of emergency "East" – Y.Shevchenko, farmer V. Rat, the chief of Republican inspection of the Gostekhnadzor B.Kuzin, the chairman of a district committee of trade unions of employees of agrarian and industrial complex S. Mazitov.
The chairman of Lenin regional council A.Petrishchev and the acting chairman of Lenin RGA V. Solovonyuk hotly congratulated grain-growers on the successful termination of a harvest harvest season and handed over to leaders diplomas, diplomas and valuable presents.
After a plenary part with a festive concert collectives of amateur performances of the area acted.
I.Novikova, adviser-organizer of Lenin UKO.