Bed on a window sill

Article teaches the reader to ways of a vygonka of green cultures on a window sill in the winter. It is a question of receiving green material of parsley, a celery, a sorrel, onions and other vegetable cultures as vitamin production in a cold season in inter-season period.

To the truck farmer on a note

On a window sill in the winter it is necessary FOR CULTIVATION of green cultures not so already and much: wooden boxes, pots, other capacities, soil mix … Boxes can be in the width on a bottom 20-25, in the top part – 30-35 and height 12-15 see. Length – 40-50 and more centimeters, depending on the sizes of a window sill.

On a bottom of container fill 1,5 – a 2-centimetric layer of gravel or keramzita, a beaten brick, on it – the same layer of the washed-out sand, then on this drainage stack a nutritious mix. The drainage is necessary for removal of residual moisture, improvement of an air mode of a mix, so, and the best development of plants.

For nutritious soil the same components, as suit sprouts cultivation. Typical – it is two parts of the aired dust of the peat, two parts of humus and one part of the cespitose earth. On a bucket of a mix add 100-120 grams (5-6 matchboxes) superphosphate.

For a vygonka on greens select the small onions, healthy root crops of parsley, a celery, a parsnip, a beet, a rhizome shhavlya, a rhubarb, asparaguses. Sow seeds of the early cultures which production can be consumed through short time. It is fennel, a garden cress, sheet mustard, the Beijing cabbage. Grow up on window sills also cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, and not only for sprouts.

The vygonka of green onions is most widespread. The onions have quite long dormant period and leave it in the natural way somewhere in February. But it is not necessary to wait for awakening, there are some ways it to "encourage" for germination. The first – a scrap of an onions neck a knife on a coat hanger; the second – soaking in warm water (35-38 °) at 12 o’clock or for days – at 25-30 °. To a scrap and soaking often combine. One more option of awakening of bulbs – warming up. At first them put in a pan and gradually humidify, 2-3 days watering through a strainer. Then 3-4 days keep under a towel after that dry and some hours warm up. Without a thing it it is possible to manage, using onions of the southern grades with a short dormant period.

Before landing mature healthy bulbs sort by the size and land separately large, average and small. Fill up with an earth layer on 2 cm, water with warm water (30-35 °) and put closer to a place, where temperature of 10-12 degrees of heat that they took roots better. In a week move to warmer place. The first two weeks light isn’t obligatory. Optimum temperature for a vygonka – 18-23 ° in the afternoon and 14-20 ° at night, relative humidity – 70-85 °.

In December-January the onions give greens in 35 days, in February – for 25, April-May – in only 20 days.

SUCH TYPES of onions as batun, shnitt, a leek since autumn are ready to a new cycle of development and smoothly deliver vitamin, with tempting taste and aroma production. It should be considered the next year that who yet wasn’t engaged vygonky greens from perennials.

The landing material which has been dug out with a lump of the earth, keep till winter in cellars, then move to pots, boxes, feed up solution of complex mineral fertilizers (8-10gna1l waters). Leaving for napiform and long-term onions is identical: regular airing after each watering.

Most skorospela, the culture – a garden cress is undemanding to cultivation in room conditions. For germination of seeds of this plant there is enough temperature 10-15 ° heat and moderate illumination of a room. In 12-18 days after crops already consume greens.

Leaves and young stalks of a garden cress have sharp juicy taste, contain many nutrients. The greens of a garden cress  promote increase of appetite and strengthening of nervous system, improve work of a thyroid gland, prevent an anemia and avitaminosis that very important in the winter.

SOW SEEDS vsploshny on depth 0,5-2 see. Cover with a polyethylene film or glass and put in a warm place for 2-3 days for germination, then transfer on a window sill. The soil mix should be all the time humidified. Without allowing drying, leaves spray water that plants didn’t become bitter. Cut off scissors in 12-18 days. For continuous providing a family with greens sowing of a garden cress repeat in a week.

At low illumination and temperature +10-18 ° sheet mustard grows also. It also skorospela – productive sockets obrazovyvayutsya in 20-25 days after crops. Has bitterish taste with aroma of mustard. Use fresh, in salads, with meat and fish dishes, do with it sandwiches. Young leaves are vitamin-rich, salts of calcium, iron. Seeds of mustard sow on depth of 2-3 cm with row-spacings 7-10 see. After emergence of shoots in 3-4 days thin out, leaving plants through 3-5 see.

Unlike a garden cress, fennel needs good lighting and airing. In 2-3 days before crops seeds presoak in water, periodically mixing them. Crops water from a spray or through a strainer, without allowing remoistening, cover with a film which remove in 4-6 days after emergence of shoots.

Greens of parsley receive, sowing seeds or a vygonka from root crops.

For seeding of seeds the boxes filled with a soil mix water with hot water, do grooves by depth of 1 cm at distance of 12 cm one from another, once again water with hot water and in even warm grooves put seeds. It is possible to sow dry seeds or after its soaking for days in water of room temperature. That there were shoots quicker, water every other day twice – in the morning and in the evening – small portions of water.

AFTER EMERGENCE of shoots parsley water in a sunny weather every day or every other day, and in the cloudy – is more rare. Start to cut off, when the greens will reach height 10-12 see.

For greens vygonka root crops of parsley identical in the sizes land ryadka with distance between them 8-10 cm and between plants – 3-4 see. If root crops long, cut off the lower part and land when the cut-off part zadubeet. It is good to expel parsley greens in pots for flowers of the average size, height 12-14 see. Land in them on 2-3 root crops.

(On newspaper materials Silski vist i).