Economy of forages when feeding by homogeneous fodder suspension

Scientists-cattle breeders of Ukraine offer economic modern technology otkorma pigs homogeneous fodder suspension (g.k.s.), prepared kormoagregatami series AKGSM of "Mry" which gives economy of forages to 20 %, without reducing thus daily average additional weights of animals. Economy from feeding of 100 heads of pigs g.k.s. in 5,5 months makes 40 thousand UAH.

UDC 636

Photo                 AKGSM-03,03M Foto AKGSM-01; 02

Considering deficiency of fodder forages in Ukraine and their high price in 2007, an important factor at fatten animals there was a question of economy of forages.

We offer modern latest economic technology otkorma pigs homogeneous fodder    suspension (g.k.s.), prepared kormoagregatami series AKGSM of "Mry" which gives economy of a forage to 20 %, without reducing thus daily average prirosty live weight of animals. These indicators are applied and at fatten KRS.

This technology works today in 230 farms of Ukraine and yielded positive results. The technology is developed  by Scientific center together with the Poltava institute of a svinovodstvo of Kvasnitsky, passed test in research farms of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian sciences – OH "Kakhovsky", the Kherson Region, OH "Takhtaulovo", the Poltava Region and in other farms.

Stern (g.k.s.) prepared on new technology from a mix grain, pigs ate completely for the 5th day. Disorders of functions zheludochno – an intestinal path or the general diseases  at one  animal in farms it is not registered.

For the purpose of comparison of degree of a perevarimost of forages g.k.s., on new technology, with traditional dry feeding, made experiment by an existing technique. As a result of the carried-out analyses it is established that behind degrees of a perevarimost of nutrients as a whole to an essential difference it is not established for dry and organic substances of crude  fat and BER. However a perevarimost of crude cellulose at animals of research group who consumed g.k.s. was the highest for 14.4 %, and a crude protein for 12.3 % (R <0.05). The analysis of data of daily average balance of nitrogen testifies to the best assimilation by its organism of animals where prepared forages (g.k.s) with the help kormoagregatov for series AKGSM of "Mry", in their body contained it almost for 30 %, from consumed it is, more, in comparison with "dry" sterns. Similar results are received and on balance of calcium and phosphorus. In a body of research animals of calcium it was postponed, compared with consumed, for 12 %, and phosphorus on 6.4 % more than when feeding by "dry" sterns.

Costs of forages of 1 kg of a gain of live weight, at consumption of a homogeneous forage, smaller for 18-20 % (<0.05) also make R 3.0 – 3.2 kg per day.

The received humidified forages, in the ratio waters to a grain mix 2:1, in the course of processing in kormoagregatax give series AKGSM of "Mry" g.k.s., i.e. the fermented forage at the expense of technology of crushing of a grain component in the water environment also differ the increased concentration of dairy acid, low level of Rn and the previous splitting of starch. The received mix improves a forage perevarimost in a stomach of animals and provides improvement of assimilation of a forage, increase in power of animals, and respectively and increase of a gain of live weight. In this process enzymes act as catalysts of disintegration of a forage on amino acids which assists fast assimilation of a forage. Thus, we receive the legkousvoyaemy forage enriched with a protein and amino acids.

Above the listed processes allow to reduce everything in a daily diet of animals of a grain mix to 20 % against "dry" forages, keeping thus power value of a forage on an equal basis feedings of animals by "dry" sterns in a full diet.

 Embodiment in an economy of new technology of preparation of forages of homogeneous fodder suspension, on base kormoagregatov series AKGSM of "Mry", against "dry" forages, at fatten 100 heads of pigs to weight of 100 kg of live weight g.k.s., gave to an economy:

-        Additional daily average prirosty live weight (at least) for 30 %, or for 140 ÷180g that gave in addition  2640 kg of live weight or 23.76 thousand UAH.;

-        a daily average gain of live weight on fatten – 730 ÷750g.;

-        economy of forages – 11.7tonn or 16.38tys.grn.;

-        reduction of allocation of manure to 40 % that solves for 50 % of a navozootdeleniye and ecology;

-        economy of energy resources, against "dry" forages which makes 4455 kW, at the expense of simultaneous association of the 4th operations  in one unit (crushing, mixing, heating, forage delivery) or 1.370tys.grn.;

-        reduction otkorma animals to 100kg in 5.5-6 months;

-        medical actions of a forage.

Thus economy from feeding of 100 heads of pigs g.k.s. in 5.5 months make from above 40tys.grn.

The technology of feeding of pigs homogeneous fodder suspension on the basis of AKGSM "Mriyas", is one of the best technologies of the European level. Even at the highest price of fodder grain for 1 kg – 1.40grn. there is a sense to be engaged in a svinovodstvo, as 3 kg (4.2grn.) the fodder grain, processed in g.k.s. units of series AKGSM of "Mry", give a gain of 1 kg of live weight, which in 2.4 times below  purchase price of meat.

For preparation g.k.s. are developed kormoagregaty new generation of series AKGSM of "Mry", capacity 100; 200, 1000, 3000 kg/hours.

Payback kormoagregatov series AKGSM of "Mry" from 15 days to 1 month. The price kormoagregatov is cheaper than foreign analogs at 15-17 time. Term of operation of units before capital repair of 5 years, a guarantee 1 year. Units are power economic, mobile, are certificated by Gosstandart of Ukraine, hold Patents for the invention. Are in demand.

The firm which lets out them, is uniform in Ukraine. Scientific cattle breeders of UAAN assessed their works.

T.Nezhlukchenko, doctor of agricultural sciences, M. Solyanik, academician of AINU, L.Zagniborodko, manager. breeding farm OH "Kakhovsky" UAAN, livestock specialist in the specialty.