Efficiency of a biological product fosfoenterina in modern agriculture of the South of Ukraine

In a material it is a question of an effective biological product fosfoenterin which is based on strains azotofiksiruyushchy and fosfatmobiliziruyushchy bacteria.

In the last decade in Ukraine programs which are directed on a biologizatsiya of agricultural production and environment improvement are developed. One of aspects of a biologizatsiya of agriculture – use of biological products on the basis of effective strains of azotfiksiruyushchy and fosfatmobilizuyushchy bacteria. It is established that application of biological products improves a mineral food of plants, increases their stability to phytopathogens and abiotichesky stresses, and also sposobststvuet to receiving non-polluting food.

For a food of agricultural plants almost insoluble phosphates of soils and mineral fertilizers which can be used by means of soil microorganisms are considered as one of reserves of replenishment of phosphorus. Considering the aforesaid, special value is gained by the researches directed on creation of biological products on the basis of fosfatmobilizuyushchy microorganisms, capable to transform almost insoluble organic and mineral phosphates in soluble, readily available forms for plants.

In the Southern experimental station of Institute of agricultural microbiology of UAAN on the basis of a fosfatmobilizuyushchy bacterium of Enterobacternimipressuralissht.32-3 the biological product fosfoenterin which successfully passed approbation in soil climatic conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine is created.

Fosfatmobilizuyushchy bacterium E.Nimipressuralissht.32-3 is allocated from the southern chernozem by the staff of branch, its kulturalny, morphological and fiziologo-biochemical properties are studied. It is established that the strain utilizuet carbohydrates with formation of organic acids, and also, produces alkaline fosfatazu. Besides, it is capable to synthesize physiologically active connections, namely: indolil-acetum acid. In the conditions of vegetative experiences positive influence of a strain at preseeding processing of seeds on digestion of almost insoluble phosphates by cereals and bean plants that promotes phosphorus accumulation, in them fitomasse and to increase in efficiency is established.

Biological product approbation fosfoenterin is carried out in 1997-1999 in the conditions of an irrigation on the dark-chestnut soil of a skilled field of Institute of agriculture of the southern region of UAAN (Inguletsky irrigating system, the Kherson Region).

Efficiency fosfoenterina is defined on two cultures: corn of a grade of Borisfen and grade rape Galitsky. As control used option in which didn’t carry out a preseeding inokulyatsiya of seeds.

Positive influence fosfoenterina is established at a preseeding inokulyatsiya of seeds of corn and a rape for a crop of both cultures (tab. 1). So, in three years of researches, a gain of a grain yield of corn averaged 2,7 c/hectares or 6 %. The preseeding inokulyatsiya of seeds of a rape also increased its seed efficiency. The average increase of a crop of seeds of a rape in three years of researches made 1,1 c/hectares or 17 % to control.

Table 1. Influence fosfoenterina on a grain yield of corn of a grade of Borisfen and seeds of a rape of a grade Galitsky in a field experiment (irrigation)

Field researches 2000-2002 and 2004-2006 of efficiency fosfoenterina in technology of cultivation of vegetable cultures on southern also the chernozem showed positive result. The gain of a crop of cabbage belokochanny when processing by a biological product fluctuated in days of researches from 5 % to 18 % in comparison with control. So, the average increase of a commodity crop of cabbage of a grade Ditmarsher a fryuer made 13 %, grade tomatoes Chance – 6 % (tab. 2).

Table 2. Influence fosfoenterina on productivity of cabbage of a grade Ditmarsher a fryuer and grade tomatoes Chance

* – average productivity (2000 – 2002)

** – an exit of early production (an average for 2004-2006)

Application fosfoenterina at cultivation of vegetable cultures raises economic effect in cultivation of vegetables thanks to low cost of a biological product and decrease in doses of mineral fertilizers. Insignificant expenses allow to reduce product cost and to increase profitability of production. Level of profitability of cultivation of cabbage at application of a biological product raises for 19 %, and tomatoes – for 6 % in comparison with control.

In field experiments of the Crimean station of a tabakovodstvo positive influence of a preseeding inokulyatsiya of seeds of tobacco fosfoenteriny on sheet efficiency of plants is established: the number of leaves and the area of a sheet plate in comparison with control for 8 % and 14 % respectively increased.

Besides, in our experiences positive influence fosfoenterina on growth and efficiency of plants is revealed at a fitorekultivatsiya tekhnogenno; the broken lands, in particular when using lessovidny loams. In field experiments it is established that application of a biological product promotes increase in efficiency of the tributary of a yellow grade Aeneas on not fertilized background for 7 % against N60 – for 9 %; and against R60 – for 11 % in comparison with control.

Way of application of a biological product fosfoenterin

Fosfoenterin – this bacterial fertilizer under various crops: grain (barley, wheat), corn, rape, tobacco and vegetable cultures (cabbage, tomatoes, salad, garden radish). The biological product is made in the form of liquid (titr 9 billion cages), a period of storage till 4 months. Norm of an expenditure of a biological product – 100 ml on hectare norm of seeds for grain crops, for a rape and vegetable – at the rate of 2 % of a preparation from weight of seeds.

Processed seeds in day of crops. It is possible to dilute a biological product with water: the volume of working suspension depends on norm of seeding of seeds and should make 1-2 % from their weight. After processing by a biological product seeds carefully mix. Thus it is necessary to avoid hit of direct sunshine on the processed seeds.

Besides, it is expedient to carry out processing of sprouts of vegetable cultures, dipping sprouts roots in the talker of the dissolved preparation (1ch. preparation: 100 h. waters) with a small amount of the soil, and also, way of watering in a hole – 100 ml of suspension in the same cultivation of a preparation with water (1:100) on root system of one plant at disembarkation. In case of the mechanized disembarkation of sprouts it is possible to bring a biological product with irrigation water, for example through tanks of rassadoposadochny cars. In this case a biological product use in cultivation 1: 400.

L.Chaykovskaya, T.Melnichuk, Southern experimental station of Institute of agricultural microbiology of UAAN.