Transgene soya: pros and cons

In article it is a question that genomodifitsirovanny production has the right to existence of them in Ukraine. This question still costs very sharply and causes concern in agricultural producers and consumers of production.
By science it is proved that the soya is useful to a human body, especially in fight against oncological diseases. But at the use of transgene analog the similar disease can be provoked.

We live during such time when discoveries became already everyday occurrence, and such words as the genetics and selection any more don’t cause surprise or curiosity. On the one hand we decline the heads before new opening, and with another – we are afraid, we do not trust and simply we do not know what to do with this innovation. Mainly this situation concerns transgene or as still it call, gennomodifitsirovanny production of agricultural industry from which more all is applied a transgene soya.

Production of such production widely practises many years abroad and though from time to time there are its some kasayemy contradictions. "The final sentence" is taken already out – gennomodifitsirovanny production has the right to existence. In Ukraine this question still costs very sharply and causes concern both in the agricultural producer, and at possible consumers of this production. And whether these fears are justifiable? To find out it scientific researches will help us.

Any organism consists of a certain quantity of cages, each of which has a thread DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). It is possible to tell that DNA – is a peculiar tape, on which the cage development program is written down and if to take all set of cages – organism development as a whole. To receive a gennomodifitsirovanny organism (GMO), it is necessary to insert DNA fragment into this program from another. Thus we will receive a cellular organism which will already have other properties, and appearance remains to that. Which new properties will appear in GMO depends on that, "operation" was for what purpose carried out. More often it is such metamorphoses which are directed on pest control and weeds in plant growing – that the plant grew to itself, developed and anything didn’t disturb it.

At first sight everything looks very simply and doesn’t cause concern. But it is necessary to notice that more often the new development program of an organism insert into a DNA code as that is told, blindly. If there is a mistake, the alien fragment starts to work actively, thereby changing work of the next genes. The cage metabolism as a whole thus can change. It leads to that development and its functioning will be rejected from norms. Also that will predict very important, precisely in what direction to occur these or those changes, and whether there will be such plant and products of its processing absolutely safe for a human body, it is impossible.

The scientific world in the relation to genetic engineering was divided into two camps: that who considers that GMO dangerous to a human body and on what draw that all fears in relation to GMO not that other as usual fear before new, unknown earlier. Polemic between supporters and opponents of transgene production gathered in recent years big turns. In a number of the countries it is forbidden by legislative base of GMO cultivation. At the same time in other countries, for example the USA, producers who use transgene raw materials, aren’t obliged to inform even not on it the consumer, placing on packing special marking.

The soya is widely used almost in all areas of agricultural industry. In the food industry from it develop a big range of production which is very rich on proteins. It is necessary to notice that soya consumption – one of the most important factors of system "healthy food" which wins today more and more supporters. It found also wide application in animal husbandry – as forages. Researches showed that animals at which diet there is a soya, quickly gain weight, thus again, we directly use meat and milk of these animals.

It would be unfair not to mention that from a soya produce soya milk which use for preparation of mixes for feeding of babies – "the future of the nations. Such children about 14 % today are, for them soya milk is almost unique source of nutrients. The soya plays presently the leading role in a diet of the person. And it is necessary not to be the big prophet to predict, "the madam the Soya" isn’t going to give in in the near future.

Actually the aspiration of producers also is connected with it whenever possible better to optimize and make cheaper production of this culture. Hypermarket – the soya has a number of merits: it resistant to wreckers, it doesn’t need to be weeded almost that allows to reduce its prime cost essentially. But it is necessary to remember that along with this "positive" always there is an amendment on its gennomodifitsirovannost and accompanying danger connected with use of such soya.

By science it is proved that in a soya contain izoflavonoidy. In effect the soya also is useful to those to a human body. Izoflavonoida – it is vegetative analogs of female sexual hormones, and they favorably influence a state of health of people, especially in fight against oncological diseases. But if to speak about a transgene soya, researches of German scientists showed that the maintenance of these fitoekstragenov in the modified soya the very high. If the use of a usual soya can warn a disease a cancer, the use of transgene analog on the contrary – can provoke similar diseases, namely presenilation of cells of the main brain and cancer diseases of genitals. The paradox is that this resolution was taken out in 2001 as a result of studying of a product of genetic engineering in leading scientific laboratories of the USA – the state which annually throws out on the market of such production more than all others. And after all in production it this gene mutantka takes place.

And now we will mention how often the soya appears in our diet, and whether we pay attention to existence (absence) of necessary marking when we buy this or that product.

For the sake of justice it is necessary to notice that a soya which is grown up in the territory of Ukraine in overwhelming majority the genetically neizmennenny. This fact that seeds of the modified soya stand considerable money speaks, and to our domestic farmers to buy domestic seeds of this culture cheaper. And here if to speak about finished product which is brought from abroad, here it is necessary to be very attentive and to remember that in most cases for its production the gennomodifitsirovanny soya is used. Especially attentively it is necessary to choose production of baby food as as it is awful, some foreign producers of this production don’t reject that use the genetically changed option of a soya.

If ourselves don’t see to it about health the and the children, anybody won’t do it, after all a main goal of firms actually is not our welfare, and own benefit.


Last year to Minagropolitiki Ukrainy declared need to expand cultivated areas of a soya from 272 thousand hectares in 2004 to 1 million hectares in 2010. About it it was told in the joint order of the Ministry of an agrarian policy and the Ukrainian agrarian academy of Sciences (UAAN) from January 16, 2004 "About the main directions of work of the Ukrainian association of producers and soya pererabotchik".


(On Agrosektor magazine materials).