About development of small business in ar ky in 2006

In this article the analysis of functioning of subjects of small business for 2006 is provided in the Autonomous Republic Crimea. Besides all indicators are given in comparison with 2005

Press – release

On an extent 2006g. in the Autonomous Republic Crimea 106,5 thousand subjects of small business functioned. Thus 16,7 thousand (15,7 %) – small enterprises and 89,8 thousand (84,3 %) – individuals – businessmen. The share of subjects of small business made 4,6 % of their general quantity in Ukraine.

In comparison with 2005 the number of subjects of small business decreased by 3,1 %, including the number of individuals – businessmen decreased for 3,9 %, small enterprises, on the contrary, increased - by 1,2 %.

Counting on 10 thousand people of the cash population of an autonomy 538 subjects of small business are necessary that for 8,5 % more similar indicator as a whole across Ukraine, but is less, than in previous year for 2,7 %. On this indicator of ARK takes the 8th place in Ukraine.

The number of busy workers in the sphere of small business increased by 0,3 % and following the results of 2006g. made 245,4 thousand people. Thus the quantity working for individuals – businessmen increased by 0,2 %, and at small enterprises - for 0,5 %.

The employment analysis in small business testifies that at one small enterprise 5 people were on the average employed, and among businessmen – individuals only every second concluded the employment contract with one worker.

Volumes of realized production (works, services), subjects of small business, against 2006 increased by 25 % and made 9118,5 million UAH. Rate of a gain of this indicator at individuals – businessmen (33,8 %) was higher, than at small enterprises (11,6 %).

T.Elkan, deputy chief GUUS in ARK.