Three persimmons, as three tops

The detailed characteristic of three new grades of the holodostoyky persimmon deduced with the assistance of feodosiysky selector-amatora Yury Bogdanovskogo is published.

Selection novelties

Selection novelties

When asked one of authors of new grades of a winter-hardy persimmon, feodosiysky selector-amatora Yury Bogdanovskogo that induced it to call these three new grades a name of mountains, he explained:

- My garden is on one of city heights, on Panov Street, 59, trees on a mountain slope grow. And here still: selection of this subtropical culture – business difficult, laborious and each success is perceived as top overcoming.

About Yury Bogdanovskogo’s subtropical garden, about grades grown up by it zizifusa, a fig, pomegranate, about the exotic plants growing in its garden, wrote repeatedly, I will not repeat. Now my interest is chained to three new grades of a persimmon steady against the southern frosts – Gore Goverl, Gore Roman Kosh, Gore Rogers. All of them – children Nikitsky claret, received from its seyanets.

And here, "Gore" the first – Goverla. Yury brings me to quite high tree with dark green lopushisty, wide, in a palm human, leaves. In gleams of dense krone are brightly gilded large (200 grams) fruits.

- Painfully on the Regulus are similar? – I doubt.

- Yes – the owner of a garden explains – but if to look narrowly, on Goverla’s fruits will see the bandagings giving to them a certain oval ribbing. However advantages of a grade in comparison with Hiakuma (Regulus) not in it, and that his krupnoplodnost is combined with earlier, than at many other, including all holodostoyky grades of a persimmon maturing of fruits, and the most important, Goverla maintains to 24 degrees of a frost, and therefore can grow in all regions of the Crimea and even all South of Ukraine where the peach grows. The regulus outside of Yuzhnoberezhya even in the Crimea often freezes.

"Mountain" the second – Roman Kosh. At this grade slightly pouzhe the leaf, can be not so saturated green, but generally as these grades from one parent, very much reminds Goverla. The main difference in fruits – at the mountain Roman Kosh they slightly more small, oval, slightly flat. Frost resistance of this grade same, as well as at the Nikitsky claret.

And "Gore" the third – Rogers. This grade in everything almost repeats the colleagues, the form of fruits distinguishes it from them only: they at this grade not more small, than at Roman Kosh, but are stronger priplyusnuty, bochenkoobrazny, almost square with oval edges.

As to taste of fruits then it is really possible to define so that this matter of taste of everyone their consuming them. To someone Gaverla’s fruits will be to the taste, someone will prefer grade fruits Roman Kosh, someone – Rogers. One only is necessary for understanding that fruits, it concerns all grades, it is impossible to regale how them removed from a tree. They should be laid in boxes and let’s to them rest in bed before complete maturing, a softening.

When admired large bright solnyshka of fruits of "Mountains", the owner of a garden paid my attention to trees sheltered in a garden corner.

- Virginsky, Mider, Gian Ric – calls names of "Americans" Yury.

It hardly touches by a hand of small fruits and they which have already ripened on a tree, remain on a palm.

- Be treated!

And I feel the chocolate sweet deprived to any tartness.

To this small fry to lie in boxes on ripening won’t give, in a trice sends in a mouth. And the lezhka isn’t required to these fruits.

It is small, speak and it is daring! It and about them, about Verginka, Midera, John Ric. Indeed, fruits though small, but are tasty improbably, and in a winter icy cold trees maintain the main thing to 300moroza. Is over what to think at a choice of grades for your garden.