To prevent spasms

Recommendations of are made that it is necessary to do to prevent spasms.

On a note

On a note

At fans long to float in a reservoir and go on foot can to happen sudo­rogi. So if you felt this unpleasant feeling once, don’t panic. Spasms can be normal reaction of an organism to overcooling and overfatigue. However sudden involuntary reduction of muscles, povtoryayu­shheesya is frequent, most likely, a symptom of any disease. Such it happens at nayorusheniye of a metabolism and work of glands of the internal secretion, some infekyotsionny diseases, illnesses at which neurons back moz­ga are surprised. Therefore at frequent spasms it is necessary to address to the doctor. But in house usloyoviya it is possible to use such recipes.

♦ to Prevent spasms lemon juice helps. They should grease podosh­vy feet in the morning and in the evening within two weeks.

♦ It is possible to use and a mustard powder with which rub feet at involuntary reduction of muscles.

♦ Infusion of lime color will help to cope with the spasms caused by a rasyostroystvo of nervous system. A tablespoon of a flower fill in with a boiled water glass, insist within an hour and accept 3-4 times a day on 50 milliliters.

♦ to Reduce spasms in ikronozhny muscles exercises on an extension will help. For example, such: pull a foot sock up, and a heel down.

(On Hozyain newspaper materials).