Winter cares of our farmers

In the publication it is a question of care of crops of winter grain crops during the winter period (top dressing, processing by herbicides, etc.) in the Razdolnensky area.

Stable production of grain the most important task of agricultural producers

Messages from areas

On the crop’s eve of 2009 in the Razdolnensky area winter grain crops sowed 37,8 thousand hectares. Inspections of crops showed that 38,5 % winter on grain are in a good condition, 48,6 % – in satisfactory, 12,9 % – izrezhenny which degree of an izrezhennost makes from 20 to 50 %.

In 2008 of a condition of sowing, autumn vegetation and rewintering of winter crops were the extremely adverse. For last period of rewintering the temperature mode was lowered, except for the first decade of December when weak vegetation of the winter was observed. It was very cold and snowless in January. The minimum temperature of the soil went down to – 14,5°S. On a long-term weather forecast, after short-term thaw, from the middle of the third decade of January the new wave of cold with negative night and day temperatures is expected.

For an objective assessment of viability of plants in the winter it is necessary to conduct continuous supervision over a condition winter and to take operative measures in case of their damage.

Top dressing of the winter

Experience shows that the best term of carrying out podkormok in the conditions of the Razdolnensky area – February windows, on the talomerzly soil. At its thawing of fertilizer are dissolved and move directly to roots of plants. Application of the raised doses of nitric fertilizers at top dressing, especially during late renewal of vegetation winter, can lead to an izrastaniye and drowning of plants.

Today the price for ammoniac saltpeter from 1950 to 2230 UAH. for ton. Due to the high potential contamination of fields practically in all farms germination of a significant amount of weeds, including long-term in the spring is expected. They will litter also crops of winter grain crops, first of all the izrezhenny. The only reliable way of their destruction – application of herbicides.

Processing of crops by herbicides can be begun during the early-spring period at existence from 3 to 36 copies on 1 sq.m depending on dominating types.

On winter grain spraying by herbicides it is carried out, since the most developed crops. We process to an exit winter in a tube.

After rewintering of a plant leave weakened that will increase probability of distribution of many diseases. Development on winter grain listostebelny diseases will depend in many respects on developing weather conditions.

If the spring is warm and damp, on winter wheat of early and optimum terms of sowing mealy dew, a brown sheet rust will develop; on winter barley, except for late crops – mealy dew, gelmintosporiozny a spottiness.

It is necessary to apply to protection of crops against a complex of diseases fungicidy a wide range of action – Alto-super of 330 EU, k.e. (0,4-0,5 l/hectares), Impakt of 25 SC, k.s. (0,5 l/hectares), Absolute (1,5 l/hectares), Derozal, k.s. (0,5 l/hectares), Doctor Krop and others. Expediency of their application determine by results of fytosanitory inspection of a condition of crops.

Crops of winter grains can be damaged by cereal plant louses among whom dominates big cereal and ordinary more often. Injuriousness of a plant louse consists in weakening of plants and in transfer of an infection of a virus of a yellow karlikovost of barley (VZhKYa). The shortage of a crop can make 20-30 %. Against cereal plant louses and flies apply Bi-58 New

40 %, k.e (1,5 l/hectares), Bazudin of 600 EW60 of %, century e. (1,5 l/hectares), Detsis Forte

k.e. (0,05 l/hectares), Zolon, k.e. (1,5 l/hectares), Danadim of 40 %, k.e. (1,0-1,5 l/hectares), Rogor-S, k.e. (1,5 l/hectares). In fight against a plant louse as are effective: Kinmiks 5 %, k.e. (0,2 l/hectares), Sherp of 25 %, k.e. (0,2 l/hectares), Fyyuri of 10 %, century e. (0,07 l/hectares).

Winter rape. On the crop’s eve of 2009 in the area a winter rape poseyan on the area of 1749 hectares. Practically all crops of this culture went to winter the well developed. However there are sites which look already today not – properly that can be reflected in future crop.

Agricultural producers of the area predict to sow early summer grain crops on the area about 8 thousand hectares.

Biological features of the early summer grain consist in the accelerated growth and development. Seeds sprout at temperature +2°S, shoots form at 4-5°S, maintain short-term frosts to 4-6°S. These cultures differ the increased precocity, an economical expenditure of moisture on a unit of production, well respond on level of fertility of the soil, use posteffect of fertilizers both organic, and mineral, brought under previous culture. As the most widespread at us in the area consider summer barley.

S. Shutenko, the head of department of the organization of production, processing of marketing of page – x. production Razdolnensky RUAPR.