To cook or not to cook?

My husband of sausage uses the crude. I with it argue all the time: so them don’t eat, it is necessary to weld. But now and itself began to doubt – who from us is right?

Dear Julia Sergeevna! Sausages, sausages and shpikachka are on sale already ready to the use – them it is possible to eat crude. As, for example, sausage. But traditionally them cook. From it they it is frequent lomayut­sya and take a neoyopryatny form. Sausages not so surely ki­pyatit in water long, doyostatochno to throw them into boiling water and to give them few times in it perever­nutsya. The Nayoturalny cover is better be not to removing – it is quite edible, and here from a wrapper it is better iz­bavitsya even before cooking than anything good in cello­fane isn’t present.

Color of sausages should be pink, red and orange colors svi­detelstvuyut that the producer peresta­ralsya with dye. If are going to eat sausages crude, po­mnite that term of their hrayoneniye of only 48 hours if more – it is better to weld.