Condition of rural territories in the autonomous republic Crimea and priorities on ensuring their stable development

In this article the analysis of a condition of rural territories in AR Crimea and and priorities on ensuring their stable development is stated.

 (from performance of the deputy minister of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea of V.L.Tyshkevich at meeting of joint board of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea and the ministry of construction policy and architecture of AR Crimea of 18.09.2008)

During reforming of agrarian sector of economy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea on the basis of the reorganized 220 collective and 40 state agricultural enterprises 844 subjects of managing are created, including: private enterprises-162 (19 %), economic societies – 291 (35 %), agricultural production cooperatives – 160 (19 %), farms – 177 (21 %), the other enterprises – 54 (6 %). On lands of a stock and reserve fund about 2 thousand (1925) country farms and more than 63 thousand (63401) personal country farms of citizens are created.

What condition of rural territories of the Crimea today. According to state statistics data as of January 1, 2008, rural settlements in the republic was 950, and village councils – 243. Number of rural dwellers – 730,6 thousand people that makes – 37,1 % from a total number of the population of the Crimea. It is necessary to notice that for the last 12 years (since 1996) number of rural population of the republic was reduced by 55,7 thousand people (7,1 %).

The majority of rural settlements has an unsatisfactory and insufficient network of objects of a social infrastructure. Today in the rural zone there is no necessary network of medical institutions, level of their equipment is low. Local hospitals operate only in 11selax (that makes 1 %), out-patient and polyclinic establishments – in 138 (in 14 % of rural settlements), 419 villages (44 %) have even no medical assistant’s and obstetric points. In 596 villages (that makes 63 %) there are no preschool institutions, in 435 (46 %) – clubs and recreation centers, in 607 settlements (that makes 64 %) aren’t present average establishments of education.

Networks of water supply have 910 of 950 republic settlements that makes 95,8 %, however about 50 % from them are in an accident condition, gas pipelines have only 19 %, a separate sewer network of 10 % sat down.

So for example in Pervomaisk the region of 80 % of networks of water supply are in a worn-out condition, from 43 settlements of work on gasification are conducted only in 5.

In the course of reforming local government bodies couldn’t assume performance of social functions in full as, except powers didn’t receive a real economic and social leverage on life of a rural bulk.

In a type of continuous reduction of resource potential of agrarian sector of economy and need of ensuring food security of the state the problem of social and economic development of rural territories developed into the national.

But at present volumes of the state investment of development of rural territories step by step increase. In 2007 it was placed in operation in the rural zone of the republic of 97,3 thousand sq.m. of housing that makes 133,6 % to level of 2006, including individual houses in the area of 89,4 thousand sq.m that makes 152,1 % from level of 2006; gas networks – 309,7 km.; water supply systems – 28,8 km., 9 boiler rooms, 1 pump station, 1 water tower.

According to the plan of capital investments at the expense of budget funds of the Autonomous Republic Crimea in 2008 on construction and reconstruction of objects of the social sphere of the village is provided to direct to 39,48 million UAH that makes 65,9 % from total amount of capital investments (59,90 million UAH), including, on building of objects of gasification of villages – 14,5 million UAH, on construction and reconstruction of objects of water supply and water removal in the rural zone – 6,3 million UAH. To 01.09.2008 capital development from the republican budget is actually financed on 40,58 million UAH., that makes 67,7 % from annual volume, including building of the objects located in the rural zone – on 26,29 million UAH. (for 66,6 % from annual volume). At the expense of subventions from the State budget of Ukraine in 2008 is provided to direct on social and economic development of an autonomy – 51,76 million UAH. today 35,48 million UAH (68,5 % from annual volume), including in the rural zone - 23,02 million UAH that makes 76 % of annual volume (30,27 million UAH are directed.).

In the current year crediting of individual rural builders according to the program Own house proceeds. On implementation of the specified program in 2008 is provided to direct from the budget of the Autonomous Republic Crimea of 2 950 million thousands UAH, including 142 thousand UAH – on service of the credits. From the Government budget of Ukraine for implementation of the program is provided to allocate – 5mln. 146tys. UAH. 2 112 million thousands UAH are already allocated for crediting of individual rural builders from the republican budget. (71,6 %), from the State budget of Ukraine – 2 47 million thousands UAH. (39,8 %). The credits received 133 families of rural builders.

In nine months of the current year from the budget of the Autonomous Republic Crimea 4,65 million UAH (99,2 %) are also allocated for payment of expenses for supply of drinking water to rural population, it approximately the sum provided by the budget for a year – 4,69 million UAH.

At present active work on justification of expediency of introduction in 2009 of a subvention from the government budget to local budgets on increase of institutsionny possibilities of programs of regional growth, in particular is conducted on:

– stimulation of local innovations, private sector development, especially small and medium business;

– activization of a local initiative – association of efforts of active representatives of territorial bulks for the solution of local problems and ensuring effective use of local resources taking into account local features (historical, social and economic, cultural, etc.);

– development of new mechanisms of regulation of economy of backward (depressive) territories.

The target development program of the Ukrainian village for the period till 2015 is developed for the purpose of realization of the main directions of the state agrarian policy directed on creating an enabling environment for the complex solution of social problems of the village and development of rural territories. In its provisions carrying out continuous certification of rural settlements, introduction of social standards and standards of accommodation of the population in the rural zone are provided. For this purpose the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine together with National scientific center Institute of agrarian economy of UAAN developed the draft of the passport of social and economic development of rural territories.

At carrying out certification of rural settlements local executive authorities, village and settlement councils, as subjects of real self-government, in direct cooperation with the agricultural enterprises located in this territory should play a leading role. They should initiate priority of building of territories subordinated to them objects of production and welfare appointment through medium-term programs of social and economic development which should correspond to social standards, norms and standards according to the Law of Ukraine About the state social standards and the state social guarantees.

Development and introduction of the mechanism of alignment of proportions of economic and social development of rural territories on the basis of complex and system transformation of each settlement in attractive socially – a production cell, specification by the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine and the UAAN scientific institutions of scientific justifications of introduction of social standards and standards of accommodation of the population in the rural zone, will form a basis of development of local programs of social and economic development of rural territorial bulks according to provisions of the State target development program of the Ukrainian village.

Summing up told, it is necessary to note that ensuring stable development of rural territories sees in the following:

– in development and justification of standard indicators of social and economic development of rural territories;

– carrying out continuous certification of rural settlements;

– justification of priorities of development of rural territories at regional level;

– in justification at regional level of priorities of development of rural territories at level of Council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, specification and the approval of programs of social and economic development of rural territories of each region;

– in the accounting of look-ahead volumes of their financing during formation of budgets of all levels.

The order of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea from 28.08.2008 of No. 98 About the organization of implementation of the order of the minister of an agrarian policy of Ukraine from July 31, 2008 of No. 468 (with changes according to the order from 04.09.2008g No. 101), accepted in response to the order of the minister of an agrarian policy of Ukraine from 31.07.2008 of No. 468 About implementation of the solution of exit joint sitting of board of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of regional growth and construction of Ukraine from 18.07.2008 are defined priorities, terms of their performance, executives.

Till 01.12.2008 godarekomendovano to chairmen of regional public administrations in response to the resolution of Council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea from December 26, 2006 of No. 861 About staffing of agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea:

 - to study creation possibility as a part of management of agroindustrial development of regional public administration of division concerning development of rural territories by regular number not less than 3 persons, having provided performance of functions by it on development personal country and farms, cooperation and business, a social infrastructure of the rural zone, employment of rural population, to settlement of the ground and property relations, investment activity, performance of tasks and actions of the State target development program of the Ukrainian village for the period till 2015;

– till December, 2009 in accordance with the established procedure to organize together with executive bodies of village and settlement councils with the assistance of agricultural consultative (doradchy) service Crimean state agrarian educational advice center carrying out continuous certification of rural settlements;

– till November first, 2008 by the order of regional public administration to determine the experts responsible for coordination of work on carrying out certification in concrete rural settlements;

– till November 15, 2008 to inform the ministry on performance of this work.

To management of settlement of the relations of a property, development of rural territories, innovative activity and external economic relations ministerstvaporucheno:

– to provide in 2008-2009 in the relevant activities for rendering by consultative (doradchy) services of socially directed consultative (doradchy) services to subjects of managing on the village and to rural population concerning complex development of rural territories, including on development personal country and farms, to cooperation and business, a social infrastructure of the rural zone, employment of rural population, the ground and property relations, to attraction of investments according to provisions of the State target development program of the Ukrainian village for the period till 2015.

– with the assistance of local government bodies, agricultural consultative (doradchy) service Crimean state agrarian educational advice center to provide carrying out in October – November, 2008 of meetings at regional level and sectional seminars at level of rural territorial bulks on an explanation of provisions of the target program.

– constantly to shine in mass media, to explain to the population an essence of the priorities directed on development of rural territories.

 To management of the economic analysis, forecasting of development of agrarian and industrial complex, work and salary together with management of settlement of the relations of a property, development of rural territories, innovative activity and external economic relations, agricultural consultative (doradchy) service Crimean state agrarian educational advice center to render the methodical and consulting help to areas in the organization and carrying out continuous certification of rural settlements.