That the gold field pleased

Article is devoted to the recommendation to landowners and a choice of grades of winter wheat and winter barley for autumn sowing.

To everyone who anyway connected twist work with earth, content and dushevno­go tranquillity when you stand at the sozrevayuyoshchy grain field which is waiting in the wings is familiar. In a silent rustle of bowing ears, ka­zhetsya, their whisper is audible: Thanks the agriculturist, your diligence we were poured by force and we thank you. Also the tired agriculturist is happy, and words that bread to all the head are remembered…

Pleased the Crimean fields of workers of the village in the current year. Behind avaricious figures there is a huge work of the people who have managed protivo­postavit to weather and economic difficulties the skill and desire to work.

Grade selection, along with competent work with the earth, knowledge of plant biology – one of components of level of productivity. The technology of cultivation, cleaning and its further processing of a crop depends on a grade also.

Considering importance of the matter, the state annually finan­siruet the budgetary programs on carrying out a sortoispytaniye. Provo­ditsya serious work on studying of grades of crops in different natural and economic zones. By the special techniques developed by domestic and foreign scientific institutions, the grades opening the potential possibilities in these or those conditions are allocated. And the main condition in a sortoizucheniye is existence of comparability of conditions: to all grades it is necessary uniform agrofon on a certain field.

Many years working with grades, involuntarily you compare them with lyu­dmi. A grade as the person, is capable to prove in certain conditions: To one prosperity and comfort are necessary, to another – rather most a little.

Carefully studied grades allocated on the hozyayyostvenno-valuable indicators, are entered in the Register of grades of plants of Ukraine. Their choice is huge today. On a zone of the steppe 67 grades of wheat of winter soft, 19 grades of barley winter are authorized vyra­shhivat in the current year. But, as shows the analysis, surely there will be farms to which and it haven’t enough. They it is obligatory zave­zut either old fulfilled, or new, at all not studied grade. Consequences of such "experiments" time happen are unpredictable.

Having a big database of a sortoispytaniye, it is necessary to note that the grades recommended for cultivation in a steppe zone of Ukraine, differently behave in the Crimea.

That the gold field pleased and next year the State center of examination of grades of plants of ARK recommends to landowners ostano­vit the choice first of all on such grades:


We recommend grades of selection selection and genetic insti­tuta – the National center of seed farming (Odessa): Dalnitsky, Kuyalnik, Odessa 267, Selyanka, Kiry, Nikony; selections Instiyotuta of agriculture of the southern region – Kherson bezosty; JSC Driada selections – a grade the Dryad the I (Kherson); selections of the All-Russia research institution of grain crops (Rostov region) – Ermak.


The priority, in our opinion, should remain behind the Crimean grades Rising and the Snow-storm.

Also we recommend to sow grades of the Odessa selection the Basis, Rosava, Winter quarters.

Search of the best grades proceeds, and a request to address for all additional information on the matter in Goseksperttsentr ARK.

A.Zakalichnaya, the chief of the State center of examination of grades of plants of ARK with the state inspectorate for protection of the rights to grades of plants of ARK.