Ukraine and WTO: to success through quality and competitiveness

In article it is reported about the Ukrainian organizations – winners of the Ukrainian national competition of quality, 13 from which reached level Perfection recognition in Europe; about a complex of the questions considered at the IV All Ukraine congress of quality and about tasks, facing Ukraine concerning quality, perfection and competitiveness for the purpose of successful integration of Ukraine into the WTO and to improvement of a level of living of her citizens.

Ukraine and WTO: to success through quality, perfection and competitiveness


Experience of the best enterprises of Ukraine

The president of the European fund of quality management (EFQM) of Xoce Ignacio Vert and the Secretary general of EFQM Kpic Lebiir note that thanks to the European award of quality we know Ukraine as one of the most successful countries of Eastern Europe: "Already 15 Ukrainian organizations – winners of the Ukrainian national competition of quality who apply Model of perfection of the European fund of quality management, reached professional level of recognition in Europe: 13 from these organizations reached level "Perfection recognition in Europe" within the Scheme of levels of perfection of EFQM, and two of these organizations became finalists of the most prestigious competition of the European award of quality".

To number of the Ukrainian enterprises which enter into this cohort, belong: International airport "Borispol", JSC Farmak (Kiev), JV Intersplav (Luganshchina), JSC Sandora (Nikolayevshchina), CJSC Agro-union (Dnepropetrovsk), New Ukrainian combine of bakeries (Kirovogradshchin), JSC Edem (Dnepropetrovsk), Kiev plant of carbonic acid, Zhitomir creamery "Rud", Transmash Research and production center (Lugansk), Borschevsky spirtovy plant (Ternopolshchina), Volchansky modular plant (Harkovshchina), JSC Hersonsky elektromashinostroitelny zavod, Chaplynsky maslosyrzavod (Hersonshchina).

The specified enterprises passed a difficult way of improvement lasting three – five years, acquiring concepts of the General quality management and Model of perfection of the European fund of quality management, correcting philosophy and psychology of heads and the personnel, improving management and building new culture of quality. Staff of these enterprises blazed a way to the future of Ukraine without privileges from the state, relying only on ardent desire to be the best, on a talented prediction, an initiative, commitment and sequence of their leaders.

And today, thanks to these enterprises and their leaders, the Ukrainian society and the domestic industry received remarkable samples for inheritance.

From all countries of Eastern Europe EFQM certificate "Perfection recognition in Europe" was received by more than 20 companies (including one – from Russia). And in the ending of a professional European award of quality (unique, having support from the European commission) on a level with firms of world famous brands Siemens, Opel and Volvo, except Ukraine, Hungary is presented only.

These achievements brightly testify to high potential of the Ukrainian industry and economy. The secretary general of the European organization of quality Bertrán Dzhouslin de Norey noted that winners and finalists of the Ukrainian national award of quality stored considerable experience in the quality sphere, their example is an evidence of that modern qualitative approaches can effectively be applied in Ukraine. It means that for the Ukrainian economy globalization – not only new risk, and and new possibilities".

It is necessary to add that recently in Ukraine and on a national level processes of the realized practical introduction of modern approaches to improvement of own activity began. As examples can serve a city administration Komsomolsk on Poltavshchin and Head department of public service of Ukraine where at the initiative of the first heads are carried out vocational training of employees, improvement of systems of quality management according to the international ISO 9000 standard is carried out.

Instead of conclusions:

The complex of the questions connected with integration of Ukraine in the WTO and EU and improvement of life of Ukrainians, was considered at the IV All Ukraine congress of quality which took place in Kiev on May 24-25, 2005 under the slogan "Quality – national idea of Ukraine in the XXI century".

 In the Resolution participants of congress, in particular, recognized as expedient:

•         to create at Cabinet council of Ukraine National council concerning quality, competitiveness and development of an export potential with the assistance of the professional public and heads of the enterprises who already reached the European recognition;

•         to carry out actions for acceleration of practical use of mechanisms of the state encouragement of the enterprises and the organizations and to consider questions of development of the National program of creation of mechanisms and conditions of assistance to improvement of quality, perfection and competitiveness of the enterprises and the organizations of Ukraine;

•         to acquaint ranking officers of Cabinet council of Ukraine with modern professional knowledge in the sphere of quality, perfection and competitiveness, to consider the problem concerning improvement of systems of management on the basis of the ISO 9000 standards in the device KMU and other executive authorities.

           Congress recommended to all subjects of managing to develop and introduce own programs of improvement of control systems of quality on the basis of the international and national standards with use of the best world and domestic practice, and also addressed to the President of Ukraine with a request to declare 2006 in Ukraine – year of Quality and Perfection. It should become a new powerful impulse for activization and further development of national movement for quality and perfection in the state, essential increase of competitiveness of domestic enterprises and the Ukrainian economy, successful integration of Ukraine into the WTO and to improvement of a level of living of her citizens.

           Peter Kalita, president of the Ukrainian association of quality, president of the International guild of professionals of quality, board member and General assembly of the European organization of quality.