Pirikulyarioz of fig

Article of the chief of the State station of protection of plants of ARK is devoted to a rice disease by a mushroom illness – pirikulyarioz, to its manifestation and measures of fight against it.


Now, in connection with some changes in an agrotechnology of cultivation of rice, danger of distribution of mushroom diseases of rice sharply increased. It is possible development of such diseases as alternarioz, fuzarioz, gelmintosporioz. However the most dangerous is pirikulyarioz fig. Depending on nature of defeat, distinguish three forms of a disease: sheet, knotty and panicled.

At a sheet form on plates and in vaginas of leaves there are oval and diamond-shaped light-brown spots which gradually increase. At strong defeat of a whisk not vymetyvayutsya.

The knotty form is characterized by emergence on knots and stalks of black-brown spots. The struck knot blackens, razmochalivaetsya, there is a stalk break.

At a panicled form strong defeat main and lateral axes of a whisk, scales and zernovka grains is observed. Whisk axes, quite often top part of a stalk under the main axis of a whisk darken, razmochalivayutsya, in its internal part the plesnevidny mycelium of gray color is found, the lower part of grains of scales darkens. Zernovki in such cases or doesn’t form at all, or them puny with the decoloured cover. At late development of a panicled form grain can have outwardly healthy appearance, but often contains an infection.

Nature of manifestation pirikulyarioza depends on weather and stability of a grade. In the conditions of warm and damp weather on susceptible grades all forms of defeat can be found. If the grade steady, usually is surprised its any body and the weak sporonosheniye of a pathogen is shown.

In days with temperature 25-28°C and high relative humidity of air pirikulyarioz can develop very quickly and cause mass death of plants of fig.

We recommend, to wait disease manifestation, in advance to carry out preventive processings by one of preparations: Bavistin DF of 50 % of century of, Tilt at norm of an expense of 0,5 kg/hectares.

Great value in distribution reduction pirikulyarioza have fight against weeds along irrigation canals, top dressing of plants by mineral fertilizers with addition of microcells: copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.

V. Permyakov, chief of the State station of protection of plants, S. Kindruk, manager. laboratories of forecasts and diagnostics.