Features of system of marketing and sale ovoshheproduktov

In article experiment of developed countries on delivery of vegetable production is shown.

           Features of vegetable production and commodity properties of vegetables predetermine need of high efficiency, flexibility for implementation of engineering procedures and the organization of sale of production taking into account concrete economic circumstances and climatic factors. Such organizational and administrative conditions arise, as a rule, when all subjects of managing work at principles of self-government and commercial calculation, completely assume economic and legal responsibility for results of the activity.

           For the market of vegetables it is important to establish effective connection on a uniform chain production-preparation-storage-realization of production.

           It is necessary to develop thus market infrastructure by creation of trading and marketing cooperatives, the wholesale markets, the centers, fairs, auctions and other commercial formations.

           Practice shows that is most preferable both to producers, and for consumers realization of vegetables on direct connections, in particular, according to the scheme, "field shop".Pri it remains quality of realized production, losses at transportation are reduced, conditions for stable receipt of vegetables and fruits to consumers are created. Contracts or contracts can be the main form of a regulation of relationship between partners in production and sale of vegetable production. Contracting is the most widespread and effective form of integration of managing subjects in fruit-and-vegetable complexes of developed countries. Contracts regulate a production activity of the farmer as it works according to the program of the processing enterprise, trade firm etc. In the contract all main conditions of production of vegetables are provided: crops areas, volumes, grade, quality of production, terms of delivery, price, etc. On the other hand, the enterprise (firm) undertakes to provide to the farmer for contract action certain types of service: delivery of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides,  credit allocation , etc.

         Experiment of developed countries on contracting of delivery of vegetable production deserves wide application in our country. It is necessary to avoid established practices when vegetables are made without their demand. Producers of garden production should work for satisfaction of inquiries of specific customers, on the basis of the signed contracts. Only at such system there will be no failures and disorders in preparations of vegetables, production losses will be reduced, the production efficiency garantirovannost considerably will raise.

In the short term in a vegetable subcomplex the following oryoganizatsionny forms of realization of production will function:

-       state system of preparations and trade;

-       consumer cooperation;

-       trade in the markets;

-       wholesale markets;

-       cooperative marketing formations;

-       firm trade.

         The state system of preparations and sale of vegetable production will keep a leading position because, first, acts as the main channel of formation of republican and interrepublican funds, secondly, has the developed procuring and marketing network and the relevant administrative structure.

           Carrying out preparations, osuyoshchestvlyaemy the state, and measures for regulation of market situations, support of own producers of vegetables and protection of domestic market should be important function of this system.

           Participation in formation of local food funds should be the main task of consumer cooperation. Activity of the procuring organizations of consumer cooperation sle­duet, first of all, to focus on purchase of vegetables in a private sector. Performance of these tasks possibly on the basis of market reforming of relationship of the organizations of consumer cooperation with producers (the effective cooperation, the acceptable prices, etc.).

           Trade in the markets should play a significant role realization of surpluses of vegetables by indiyovidualny truck farmers and promote providing urban population with fresh and various garden production. Suburban vegerable-growing farms will use services of the collective-farm markets also.

The wholesale markets represent a form of agrotrading integration at the leading role of a wholesale and trading link. Their main function consists in wholesale purchase of the fresh and processed vegetables with the subsequent their realization, generally the wholesale buyer and, partially, through system of home shopping service.

           The wholesale markets of vegetable production – it is widespread large agrotrading formations in developed countries – the USA, France, Italy, Belgium, etc. They are equipped with modern storages, warehouses, sorting and packing lines, installations for preliminary cooling. In Belgium, for example, 37 % of the covered area of the markets are the share of storages and refrigerating chambers. The goods in the markets are released only in standard packing. The markets provide container and packing materials to farmers and other wholesale suppliers of products.

           One of widespread forms of marketing cooperation are auctions. In the Netherlands large auctions unite 500-800 farms, realize 100 % of vegetables of the closed and 85 % – open soil. The big role realization of fruit-and-vegetable production is played by auctions in Belgium and Denmark.

           In forms of the organization of sale of production, cooperative auctions represent a raznoyovidnost of wholesale trade. Advantages of auction sale are, first of all, in byyostroy of realization of large consignments of vegetables that is favorable to sellers and buyers. The price level at auctions is established on the basis of the competition of buyers.

           In Germany about 60 % of more freshly vegetable production come true through the shopping centers belonging to cooperative formations of producers. Production in shopping centers arrives from farms, according to the signed contracts, and is realized, as a rule, to wholesale buyers. The centers provide producers of vegetable production with special container. Production is delivered in shopping centers on transport of producers.

           Necessary condition of formation of the market of vegetables is marketing. It covers all process of movement of production from a field to the consumer. Shortcomings of its organization are among the most influential factors destabilizing the market and can nullify successes in a production activity.

           Marketing activity in vegetable growing provides performance of the following functions:

– complex research of the vegetable market, determination of its capacity and features for the purpose of providing the maximum guarantee and reliability of success at a minimum of expenses;

-  studying of a condition and dynamics of a consumer demand for vegetable production for the purpose of the maximum adaptation of production of vegetables to requirements of the market and receiving bigger profit;

-  wide use of advertizing for improvement of sale of production, and also for impact on the market and a consumer demand with a view of their formation in the desirable directions;

-  definition of the optimum commodity range of vegetable production for satisfaction of demand and effective conducting production and commercial activity;

– forecasting and formation of the prices for vegetable production taking into account consumer ability of the population, the world prices and ensuring necessary profitability of participants of system of production and sale;

- choice of sales channels of vegetable production,  improvement of wholesale and home shopping service, transportation, packaging and production packing, development of commodity production.

           In the conditions of the market the service of marketing is a compound control link proizvodstvenyono-commercial activity. It should be completed by the qualified experts, to have at the order the necessary computer equipment and other material means promoting successful work.

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