History of creation of advertizing

From world experience force and an advertizing role is known. Advertizing is always information which leads up to creation and attention of potential consumers the most important facts and data on the goods and services.
In article the history of creation of advertizing is given in Western Europe and the USA.
In Ukraine in formation of the market relations the Ukrainian advertizing market is created. In the conditions of market saturation by the goods and services the Ukrainian advertizing market promotes creation at consumers of conditions for a free choice of the goods and services, allows to create and fix system of preferences of the advertized goods.


Golden rules

Advertizing should be:

·        the short;

·        it is information the saturated;

·        original and well being remembered;

·        the evident;

·        the scientifically reasonable;

·        and, at last, the simply beautiful;

           The term "advertizing" occurs from the Latin word "reklamare" – loudly to shout, inform (in Ancient Greece and Rome announcements loudly were cried out or became engrossed in reading on the areas and in other places of a congestion of the people).

           From world experience force and an advertizing role is known. First of all, it bears in herself information, usually in a condensed form, bringing home and attention of potential consumers the most important facts and data on the goods and services. Advertizing is always information. On the one hand it leads up to consumers the data necessary for purchase and use of the goods, usings services. With another, including not only information, but also persuasiveness and suggestion, has on the person mental influence.

           Advertizing is at the same time both work, and art.

History of emergence and advertizing development

Sources of advertizing activity originate in a primitive antiquity. It is considered one of the first advertizing appeals which have reached our time the Egyptian papyrus in which it was reported about sale of the slave.

In Ancient Greece and Rome advertisements wrote on boards, engraved on copper or a bone, loudly read on the areas and other places of a congestion of the people. The inscriptions scratched or traced by paint on walls were most widespread. Found in ruins of the most ancient city of Memphis an inscription on a stone: I, Rino from the island of Crete, at will of gods interpret dreams it is considered one of the most ancient advertizing texts.      

The ancient art strikes with quite mature means of advertizing activity which were expressed by means of various sets of the verbal, sound, written and graphic receptions creating images of advertized objects, whose purpose – actively to get into mentality of potential consumers, to draw of them attention and by that to induce to make actions favorable to the advertiser.

           Advertizing development in Western Europe and the USA.

The new quantum leap in development of advertizing begins with the advent of publishing. The invention Guttenberg of the press in 1450 marked the beginning of an era of formation of system of the mass media which have opened qualitatively new stage of development of advertizing. Throughout the second half of the XV century the tipografichesky enterprises extend on the countries of Europe: Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Hungary, Poland. In 1476 the press affirmed as the Czech Republic, England and other European countries. The texts, which writing demanded lasting many days and laborious work earlier, now could prepare quickly enough.

The first printing advertisement is dated 1472: the text was hung out on a door of one of churches in London and informed parishioners on prayer book sale. As the founder of a print advertizing in Europe consider the doctor Teofrasta who has opened in 1630 in Paris help office, printing advertisements in The French newspaper. Advertizing, published in it, it is considered the first the announcement of an award for the indication of a site of 12 stolen horses.

A little later the announcements of trading character generally concerning wholesale retail of tea, coffee and other food began to be filled. They artlessly notified on existence of these or those goods. Soon, however, their styles and tone change, any subject and design receptions start to be used widely.

After the publishing invention on city walls across all Europe printing leaflets of the various contents became unstuck. New ways of their distribution, for example, exposure to a public inspection in the split end of a stick (a prototype of modern banners) accustomed. The leaflet which text advertized inexpensive wine taverns in the suburb where municipal duty wasn’t raised was very popular in working quarters of Paris in the XVIII century.

The industrial revolution which has begun in Europe in the middle of the XVIII century, later half a century reached America. Producers of the goods understood all value of advertizing as way of penetration of the goods on new sales markets and gains of these markets, receiving the maximum profits.

Advertizing blossoming in the USA connect with Benjamin Franklina’s name and call him the father of the American advertizing. The printing Gazett edition based by it published a large number of advertizing messages. This edition had not only the biggest circulation, but also the largest volume of advertisements among all editions of the USA.         

Gradually changed form and content of advertisements. With emergence in 1839 of the photo the advertizing text began to be supplemented with the photoillustrations giving information big reliability. The telegraph invention in 1884 connected the most remote areas with the centers of regions, having eliminated dissociation and their isolation.        Gradually advertizing becomes the powerful tool for formation of requirements and vital standards of people in market economy. Special firms and the agencies having the branched-out network of offices and representations, and also advertizing departments of the industrial and trading companies, the large enterprises, publishing houses etc. start to be engaged in advertizing. The history of creation of advertizing agencies began in the XIX century, generally with buying up of printing strips and resale to their advertisers with considerable profit for itself.       The first advertizing agency planning and working over the text of the address and carrying out the filadelfiysky advertizing agency Ayer and the son, based in 1890 is considered the advertizing companies.

Now in the center of New York on Madison Avenue headquarters of a number of large American advertizing agencies in which about 30 thousand people work settle down. However the vast majority of 6000 advertizing agencies which were in the country are in other cities. Was such where wouldn’t be though one advertizing agency very little.

The largest in the world the advertizing agency is in Japan and is called to "Dentsa". Foreign firms widely and skillfully use the powerful weapon of advertizing and for a gain of the Ukrainian market. On television importunately offer the foreign goods. Similar announcements painted trolleybuses, share taxis, shops, drugstores etc. Despite high cost of advertizing on television and in the press, foreign firms it don’t stint. Very considerable publicity expenses are put in the estimate of expenses already at a stage of preparation of a new product to production.

Transition to market economy led to big changes of the organization of advertizing activity in Ukraine. The market economy introduced essential amendments in forms and the content of advertizing activity which becomes a link between production and consumption. With its help "feedback" of the consumer with the market is supported. However, mechanical transfer of the western advertizing and marketing receptions on the Ukrainian soil not always yields desirable results because of the developed mentality of the Ukrainian population: the conduct of life, habits, traditions, etc.

The present period of development of an advertizing in Ukraine is characterized by sharp flow of the bright and various correspond to production. In the country the Ukrainian advertizing market is created: the number of agencies, firms grows, services rendered by them become more better. As the developed market countries systems of legal regulation of the advertizing market are created. Saturation by its goods and services promotes creation at consumers of conditions for a free choice of the goods and services, allows to create and fix system of preferences of the advertized goods.

(On materials of Internet editions).