Skoroplodny walnut

Under a heading To the gardener on a note are published a note about a skoroplodny walnut.

UDC 635

           Skoroplodnye walnut forms favourably differ from ordinary subjects that they for 2-3 year already blossom, form pestikovy and tychinochny inflorescences. The dichogamy (non-simultaneous maturing of tychinochny ear rings and pistillate flowers) is peculiar to a nut that complicates self-pollination.

           From year to year, in process of growth of seyanets, the crop increases. To 12-year age productivity of skoroplodny forms increases to 35 kg of nuts from a tree (at ordinary forms to 7 kg). Growing young escapes of a nut easily are damaged by winter frosts and spring frosts.

           Best of all seyanets to grow up in the autumn-winter in house conditions. Nuts land in pots in a warm place. In 10-14 days there are shoots. In 60-90 days pots place in a cellar, creating artificially the period of deep winter rest (till 75 days). In open soil land saplings at the end of May – the beginning of June. For landing choose an open light place with distance from each other 3 m. A place under trees keep clean, humidified, not zadernyayut.

R. Husnutdinov.

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