The statistical reporting in joint activity

In the message it is answered to inquiry arrived in the State committee of statistics of Ukraine how in statistical forms No. 21-zag (richna) and No. of 50-sg to reflect the sum of realization of the agricultural production which has been carried out within joint activity.

INQUIRY __________ in the State committee of statistics of Ukraine

Question essence

Between two agricultural enterprises the contract on joint activity on cultivation of crops is signed.

We ask to answer to the following question: how in statistical forms No. 21-zag (richna) and No. of 50-sg to reflect the sum of realization of the agricultural production which has been carried out within joint activity?


LETTER of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine

from 19.01.09 of No. 06/4-6/13

On <…> inquiry <…> the department of statistics of agricultural industry and environment reports to rather joint activity and the statistical reporting the following.

The state statistical supervision in 50-sg No. forms Main economic indicators of work of agricultural enterprises, to No. 21-zag (misyachna) and No. 21-zag (richna) Realization of agricultural production are represented by exclusively registered legal entities who are carrying out agricultural activity, with the indication of a full name and a legal site of the respondent according to registration data and a place of implementation of its production activity.

According to Instruction point 1.5 concerning filling of a form of the state statistical supervision of No. of 50-sg The main economic indicators of work of agricultural enterprises, approved by the order of Goskomstat of Ukraine from 06.11.07 of No. 403 and Ukraine registered in Ministry of Justice 21.11.07 under No. 1303/14570, the enterprises which are carrying out agricultural activity in common (on the terms of cooperation), fill a form regarding the contribution to production according to the signed agreements and expenses. Together with a form the corresponding explanations are provided.

Similarly fill also data on a form No. 21-zag (misyachna) and 21-zag (richna) Realization of agricultural production.

Lake PROKOPENKO, director of the department of statistics of agricultural industry and environment.


So, as appears from the reply of Goskomstat, the agricultural enterprises which are carrying out joint activity (on the terms of cooperation), fill 50-sg No. forms, 21-zag (misyachna) and 21-zag (richna) regarding the contribution to production according to the signed agreements and expenses.

Let’s say that between two agricultural enterprises – we will call them the participant And and the participant of B – is concluded the contract on joint activity. A subject of this contract is corn cultivation. The contribution of the participant And makes 60 000 UAH. (42,9 %), a contribution of the participant of B – 80 000 UAH. (57,1 %). It is realized corn on 200 000 UAH. Thus, from this sum the participant And will receive 85 800 UAH., and the participant of B – 114 200 UAH.

On Balans-Agro newspaper materials.