In a thunder-storm

Good advice on a subject How to behave in a thunder-storm is published?!.

Good advice

Good advice

• More often the lightning strikes in high trees, pipes, towers, etc., especially standing separately. Therefore, if the thunder-storm found you on an open place, try to find any depression in the ground without bushes and trees.

• To reduce height and contact to the earth, sit down, but don’t lay down, steps of feet should be together, the back is bent, the breast and the head are lowered on knees or forearms of hands.

• In the wood separate trees, especially an oak, a poplar, a fir-tree, a pine are most dangerous. In a birch and a maple the lightning strikes much less often.

• Steer clear of water, large metal designs: they xo­rosho carry out electric discharges.

• Also avoid a fire: the column of warm air at the expense of partial ionization has small resistance.

• If you in the car, it is better to stop somewhere in the lowland. Inside lyu­di are rather well protected: even at a lightning stroke in the car the category will pass on a metal surface.

(On Hozyain newspaper materials).