Monthly Archives: February 2013

Lignogumat – the best humic preparation of 21 eyelids, the price and which result very much pleases the producer of agricultural products

In the publication Lignogumata is a question of application by agriculturists in Ukraine of humic preparations and, in particular. Humic substances stimulate growth and development of plants, strengthen in them processes of a metabolism which are responsible for power processes and synthesis of nucleinic acids.
The humate in a vegetative organism sharply intensifies metabolism process, strengthens breath, biosynthesis, intake of mineral salts from environment. All this leads to strengthening of growth of plants, acceleration of their development and crop increase.
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Equipment oh NPP belotserkovmaz for new technologies of processing of the soil

In a note it is told about development and introduction of new alternative technologies of cultivation of page – x. cultures which are based on reduction of anthropogenous pressure by environment, including on the soil, with simultaneous decrease in expenses for performance of the mechanized operations and economy of energy resources.
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