In this article the Ministry of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea explains conditions and an order of acquisition of seeds of summer grain, leguminous, olive crops and corn on spring sowing of 2006 to "Derzhrezervsemfonda" Kiev.
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Daily Archives: December 19, 2014
Nurel-d – highly effective insektoakaricid for protection of an apple-tree against a complex of wreckers
Data on effective application are provided in article Nurela-D for protection against a complex of listogryzushchy wreckers, a yablonny plodozhorka and web pincers.
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Travoyadnye braziers
Many who, probably, at all didn’t hear about the so-called "Korean" pigs, which else designate "Chinese", "Vietnamese" or simply "braziers". In this article we will tell about them.
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