Spring inoculation of the fruit

The description of all possible types of inoculations of fruit plants is provided in this article. Terms of carrying out these works are specified.

           Development of modern gardening by the way of an intensification defines need of creation of skoroplodny, undersized and ecologically tolerant sortopodvoyny combinations of fruit crops.

           Process of reconstruction old and a laying of new gardens demands the high-quality saplings which cultivation is very long and labor-consuming – over 20 thousand man-hours of work are spent for 1 hectare. From there is a need of searches and application of effective technologies of receiving a landing material for new and updated gardens.

           Traditional way of production of saplings is cultivation by their way of an okulirovka. The wide circulation of this technology is connected with a good prizhivayemost of the imparted eyes, high efficiency of work (3,5 thousand people – hours on hectare) and smaller costs of production of a landing material.

In the additional ways of reproduction and increase in an exit of stanyodartny saplings the spring okulirovka of growing stocks and a veyosenny inoculation as shanks can serve in the second field of nursery.

The Prizhivayemost of okuliyorovka, according to our data, when using the specified ways reaches 92-95 %. They though us­tupayut standard (control, i.e. an okulirovka in August in a year posad­ki a stock, the general exit – 70-75 thousand sazhenyoets on 1 hectare from whom 95 % – standard quality), but after all give a high exit of standard saplings (35-47 thousand/hectares).

Quite often there is a need of replacement of grades available in a garden on new, and, as a rule, more fruitful. More often it is caused them by unsuccessful initial selection or desire to have them (grades) in krone of one tree in quantity two-three and more. To solve such problem it is possible an inoculation, a reinoculation a shank and a peephole.

Depending on terms of carrying out an inoculation of the fruit subdivide on spring and summer. The summer inoculation is, generally an okulirovka. The spring inoculation happens several types. Both ways supplement each other, and their application depends, generally from age and breed of a tree.

Reinoculation a shank carry out on trees of all age at any thickness of branches. At an okulirovka the thickness of branches shouldn’t exceed 2 cm as the increase in this parameter conducts to a zaplyvaniye of eyes.

 The age of a plant which is most suitable for a reinoculation makes: at the semechkovy – till 10 years, at kostochkovy – till 6 years.

Semechkovye pereprivivayut both shank, and peephole. Kostochkovye is better pereprivivat a peephole at the end of July – the beginning of August. In the spring on trees subject to a reinoculation carry out strong to a scrap, stimulating a good gain.

For an inoculation it is necessary to have a vaccinating knife, secateurs, a file, a bucket for shanks and water, an obvyazochny material (a polyethylene film), garden var or plasticine.

Shanks cut in February-March, connect in bunches, mark bunches a label with the name of a grade and put a cut place on the moistened sand or sawdust in a basement at temperature +20– +40S.

           Inoculation start to do with sokodvizheniye approach in the third decade of April. Shanks wipe and not less than 3 cut on three peepholes, length from the bottom peephole to a slanting cut see.

On a tree intended for a reinoculation, leave branch which evenly settle down in volume of krone and not zagushhayut it. All other branches cut out on a ring. Thus diameter of a cut shouldn’t exceed 5 see. It is necessary to maintain a sopodchineniye of branches among themselves and the central conductor.

The greatest distribution was received by an inoculation for a bark. For this purpose on a shank do a slanting cut for the length 3,0-3,5 see. Then on the cut-off branch, beginning from a cut, cut a bark and insert a shank. On cuts to 2 cm in diameter one shank is put, at the bigger area – two-three and more, having them on a circle. A binding carry out a film, beginning from below and moderately it pulling. Then places of cuts cover with the garden thief or plasticine that provides protection of a place of an inoculation from air and drying penetration.

On the basis of the long-term researches which have been carried out by the Crimean experimental station of gardening of Institute of gardening of UAAN, at creation of gardens it is possible to recommend for wide application all above described ways of inoculations, as meeting the requirements of modern gardening.

And. PRIESTS, research associate of the Crimean experimental station of gardening of Institute of gardening of UAN.