Microorganisms will increase fertility

Article is devoted to the analysis of results from use EM-tekhnologii on revival of the earth and to its accelerated gumusoobrazovaniye. In it it is told about the greatest advantage EM-tekhnologii on restoration of fertility of soils and complete "disclosure" of all dietary properties of our usual production.
Article is intended for people aspiring to improve fertility of soils and quality of grown-up agricultural production.

Intensive chemicalixation of fields destroyed microflora and animals of soil community – the main vosproizvoditel of fertility of the soil

Intensive chemicalixation of fields destroyed microflora and animals of soil community – the main vosproizvoditel of fertility of the soil. To revival of the earth, its accelerated gumusoobrazovaniye also it is devoted EM-tekhnologiya.

The greatest advantage EM-tekhnologii is not only restoration of fertility of soils, but also, most important, complete "disclosure" of all medical and dietary properties of our usual production.

Soaking of seeds

Preseeding processing of seeds has special value as promotes accumulation on surface of seeds of effective microorganisms which in process of growth of sprouts get further in a rizosfer of a young plant. The plant since "birth" adapts to effective microorganisms. Besides, EM interferes with defeat of seyanets by causative agents of such diseases, as fuzarioz and a black leg. It is very important for those who is engaged in cultivation of sprouts of tomatoes, pepper or eggplants in large numbers.

Seeds presoak in EM-rastvore 1:1000 for the term from 2 till 24 o’clock. It is necessary to presoak all seeds, except a garden radish. Daily soaking of tubers of potatoes, depending on a grade, gives a crop increase for 10-40 %, and soaking the sevka of onions increases quantity of feathers on the average in 2 times.

Concentration of solution 1:1000, ratio of volume of solution to quantity of seeds 1:1 (on 1 kg of seeds – 1 l of solution). To store the processed seeds it is not recommended.

Seeds grain are better for processing melkodispersny pollination by special solution, thus the increase in humidity shouldn’t exceed 1 %. The consumption of solution on 1 t grain makes 12 l.

We provide the recipe of this solution:

water not chlorinated – 10 l;

EM – a preparation (undiluted) – 1 l;

Bran (for wheat – wheaten, for oats – oat, etc.) – 1 kg.

Solution carefully to mix and draw within 3 days. Before application in solution to add 1 l of treacle.

Processing of tubers of potatoes is carried out in day of their landing. Concentration of solution 1:1000. On 1 t of a landing material use 70-100 l EM-rastvora. Tubers can be presoaked or sprayed, having spread out a layer in 1-2 pieces. Tubers slightly dry and land.

On winter wheat efficiency of use of EM showed faster approach of growth phases – shoots, a kushcheniye, an exit in a tube, a kolosheniye and flowering.

Processed EM-preparatom forages differ from the irreplaceable amino acids raw by quantity owing to what biological value of a forage raises. The rye from preparation use at cultivation is more juicy and is brighter.

Cultivation of all vegetable cultures (26 types) with use of a preparation of EM allowed to receive such results which wasn’t for more than 20-year experience.

Sprouts cultivation

At definition of terms of crops it is necessary to consider that EM-tekhnologiya accelerates term of development of sprouts on the average for 10-12 days. Before emergence of the doubled sprouts it is necessary to water sprouts daily EM-rastvorom 1:2000. further to water – time in 2 weeks.

With spring of a bed loosen and water EM-rastvorom 1:100. Landing can be made not earlier than in a week. If there was a last year’s unused organic chemistry (manure, peat, a tops of vegetable), that is sense of bookmark EM-komposta to add there deciduous opad. It is not necessary to be afraid of the compelled delay of landing for EM considerably accelerates growth process. Spring entering into the soil of EM gives exclusive effect as promotes its earlier revival.

Disembarkation of a landing material

After disembarkation, in 2-3 days when root wounds will begin to live, for removal of a transfer stress it is necessary to water sprouts EM-rastvorom 1:1000. Whenever possible this procedure should be repeated every day while the sprouts completely won’t get accustomed.

The plants landed by seeds, as well as potatoes, it is necessary to water with solution 1:1000 right after emergence of shoots. Further periodicity of watering by solution depends on a soil condition. If it was brought EM-kompost, it is possible to be limited to watering of times in 2 weeks.

In the first year it is expedient to carry out preventive protective processing with help EM-5. Fresh EM-kompost during the season put only in row-spacings or in a radical zone.

Possibility in 3-5 years almost completely became advantage EM-tekhnologii having excluded application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, to return to soils natural highest fertility and, first of all, exclusive consumer quality of grown-up production.

With application EM-tekhnologii in animal husbandry it is possible to achieve increase in additional weights of animals, and also birds in poultry farming – they become more healthy and gain more resistant immunity. There is a lot of examples of positive work EM-preparata. But the best, apparently, to refuse dogmas, to try and be convinced of efficiency of new technologies on personal experience.

(On magazine materials Farmer hospodariate).