Ukraine on a way to the WTO

In article it is reported about carried out in the Verkhovna Rada on November 1, 2006 Parliamentary hearings on a subject: A condition of preparation of the introduction of Ukraine in the World Trade Organization (WTO), problems and prospects. The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine A.A FROST conducted hearings.
The endurance is given in article from Moroz A.A. concluding remarks.

Azarov: Ukraine will enter to the WTO at the beginning of 2007

On November 1, 2006 parliamentary hearings on a subject took place: A condition of preparation of the introduction of Ukraine in the World Trade Organization (WTO), problems and prospects.

 The Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine A.A FROST conducted hearings.

Cabinet council, estimating the participation in this hearing and understanding its value, charged to the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine to give the report on this matter. At hearings speeches of the head of profile Committee on questions of economic policy, the head of Committee of questions of finance and bank activity, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the head of profile committee of these questions, the head of committee of eurointegration sounded.

At hearings there was the first vice-prime minister, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Nikolay Azarov. 

Closing the meeting, Moroz A.A. presiding over hearings. noted: Ukraine, entering the World Trade Organization, should mean that we enter with the charter another’s monastery and  it will be necessary to process the charter. It is very serious. Also it is a pity that we till this time of 13 years "stretched" this business, at first the governments which changed every year and consequently had no uniform policy, and then the President who changed these governments every year and there was no accurate direction, and now, the farther, the it is more difficult to be arranged under this charter. We can’t appear on a roadside when the whole world becomes another’s monastery, it is necessary to do this step, but thus to mean that we on ourselves will predict enormous difficult risks in questions on which yet we have no answers.

And now we will look where we go. In the European Community which subsidizes the agricultural industry so that there was no overproduction. Thereby they dump the production in order that it came to our market. And we have no such possibility, we should work at natural conditions and try to compete to them.

It is a question of that we should reconstruct economy, to develop internal demand for our production. We should understand accurately that Ukraine will work at foreign markets only in separate segments, in small volumes, at first fighting for the presence there. 

Until we won’t be investors of the economy until we will open possibilities for domestic market so that people came back from Europe home and could get a job here, prospects won’t be even during the signing of all laws and acceptance us in the World Trade Organization.

Therefore it is a question of that we in our laws and in rules which we develop for themselves, provided protective measures: introduction terms, stages of the introduction, introduction condition. All this should be a subject of those laws which are considered by parliament.

Prospect of cooperation with EU one – only through the WTO – the free trade area with EU. Means it is necessary to pass this way, but to pass it so that  not to remain in general without a thing. We were late approximately for 10 years. For this period it would be possible  to reconstruct economy structurally. Certainly, it is necessary to access to WTO, but very seriously to work over those laws and over conditions of their introduction that the Ukrainian economy after all left with the smallest losses this difficult test.

(On materials the Internet).