Orchard: year comes to an end – year begins

In this article the characteristic of weather conditions during the winter and summer periods 2007g is given., their negative influence on fruit-trees, recommendations on the care of gardens, and also on a laying of new plantations are made.

The next agricultural year approaches end. Preliminary results and gardeners analyze. For someone they will be with a plus, for someone with a minus, fault to that a weather extreme of the expiring year.

The beginning was necessary to this extreme on February 24-27 when in end of "soft" winter our peninsula underwent frosty attack. Fruit-trees by this period already left a condition of deep rest in this connection their stability to sharp fall of temperature was essentially reduced. First of all it belonged to ranotsvetushchy breeds – to peach, a cherry plum, an apricot which suffered more. The Crimea, except for separate areas, remained without fruits of the above-named cultures. Got also to a pear – generativny educations it in different degree were damaged by frosts and only thanks to a good laying of a fruit kidney on the crop’s eve of 2007 fructification took place, though not in such volume as it was supposed before the vegetation beginning.

After test of trees by frosts there came a stage of their testing for drought resistance and heat resistance in vegetation. According to a meteopost of the Crimean experimental station of gardening, from April till August inclusive the amount of precipitation made only 147,6 mm at average norm of 217,3 mm. The temperature background long time kept at record-breaking high level – above 380S at repeated decrease in relative humidity of air to 26-30 %.

Such conditions, differently as critical for fruit crops you will not call, especially if to consider that all this was supplemented with dry winds and loss in a number of places of a plentiful hail which considerably damaged the sheet device of trees and left a set of marks on a surface of growing fruits.

In a certain degree to soften negative action of a drought it was possible in the gardens which are grown up in the conditions of guaranteed water security where there was a possibility to support humidity of the korneobitayemy layer of earth at the proper level.

But how there was a situation in the expiring year, it is necessary to think about tomorrow. The autumn, winter and spring for the gardener not less responsible period during which not only is provided performance of the next technological stage and are laid the foundation for future crop, but also reproduction of plantings is carried out.

One of the most important types of works which should be executed during the postharvest period, soil plowing in row-spacings of gardens that in the conditions of its strong consolidation by harvest equipment is obligatory reception. Plowing with a layer turn, besides, will allow to close up fallen leaves to the soil and to liquidate a considerable part of the weeds, which seeds, having received long-awaited moisture, covered the soil in gardens with a continuous green carpet.

In apple-tree plantings on a slaborosly stock, and also on sites where an irrigation drop, the root system of trees settles down close to a soil surface that causes of a correcting of depth of processing of pristvolny strips in order to avoid considerable damages of roots.

Is about what to think and that who planned garden landing. Despite higher efficiency of an autumn bookmark, the majority of gardeners pere­nosit this important stage for early spring that speaks quite simply – if not to provide reliable protection of a garden at autumn landing, it is possible not to be counted by spring of many saplings, it is necessary to be spent for restoration of initial density of standing of plants essentially.

To what type of a yablonevy garden to prefer? The answer depends on two major factors: compliances of conditions of cultivation to production requirements and financial possibilities. If these factors with a sign +, a choice it is necessary to stop a pas to a laying of a high-intensity garden on a slaborosly (dwarfish) stock that will give the chance to reduce the neprodukyotivny period of trees to a minimum and from third year to have sound return from plantings. Payback of capital investments in comparison with yablonevy gardens on srednerosly stocks (MM 106, MM 102, etc.) occurs in 1,6-2 times quicker that is provided with early and high productivity.

When the factors called above are less favorable to high-intensity gardening, and the desire to have a yablonevy garden is great, it is necessary to put plantings on a srednerosly stock that for conditions of the Crimea quite really and is repeatedly checked.

One of the agrotechnical receptions preceding landing of saplings irrespective of type of a garden, high-quality preparation of the soil on a site is. The plantazhny (poluplantazhny) plowing which is carried out 4-6 months prior to landing, and alignment plantazha (planning), and cultivation or a site disking in two directions directly ahead of landing means also.

Sometimes deep plowing for the purpose of economy of means isn’t made, thus calculation becomes on that in a certain measure it will be compensated by a buyoreniye of landing holes of the big sizes. But no landing hole even will eliminate the impressive sizes excessive density of the soil vmezhduryadiya when processings previous cultures, won’t improve mechanical structure and other important physical characteristics of the soil which directly or indirectly regulate growth and influence fructification of trees.

Not enough time remains before performance by one more important ra­boty which not only stimulates growth, but also in many respects defines kolicheyostvenny and quality indicators of future crop. It is a question of a scrap of trees. The agroformations having in the structure rather big areas of gardens, as a rule, don’t lose time and begin to a scrap at the end of November – December if weather allows. It is explainable and justified at large volumes of work. On the other hand, if edging trees get to severe winter constraints, their winter hardiness essentially decreases and becomes real danger not only yield losses, but also damages of long-term parts of trees. Such precedents in unfortunately, any more aren’t a rarity.

That after all from two evils to choose smaller, it is necessary to begin processing with plantings of an apple-tree of more advanced age. Trees of kostochkovy breeds, dwarfish plantings of an apple-tree and a pear are expedient for cutting off during the period when danger of essential fall of temperature to critical values passes and the share of risk will be minimum. Certainly, it is impossible to provide everything, but to aspire to it it is necessary.

Scrap during the forthcoming period as, however, and in any other, will have the features which should be considered at carrying out work. First of all, it is necessary to remember, were droughty the vegetative period of the expiring year. It left the mark and on growth of escapes, and on formation of fruit kidneys at an apple-tree and a pear. The gardens which are grown up on high or rather high agrobackground were characterized not only satisfactory growth of escapes, but also active formation of generativny educations.

In such a task case scraps in a certain degree become simpler, as there is a choice prirostov and fruit wood. If updating of wood doesn’t occur a natural way, it is necessary to stimulate this process in all known ways, beginning from the general increase of an agrobackground and finishing performance qualitative scraps. The garden where the majority of trees owing to deterioration of conditions of cultivation stopped growth without cardinal improvement of an agrobackground ekspluatatsionno isn’t perspective.

Before the beginning scraps it is necessary to estimate a situation with a bookmark and differentiation of fruit kidneys in a cut of grades. Possession of a situation in this question will allow to define correctly degree and volumes scraps and consequently, to provide higher marketability of a potential crop and to stimulate process of updating of plodoobrazuyushchy wood. At other deal it is necessary to remember that the crop of next year will be defined in many respects by that condition with which fruit-trees will begin the vegetative period, and those conditions which will be created by it at cultivation.

L. TANKEVICH, candidate of agricultural sciences, head of department of technical cultivation, storage and processing of fruits. Crimean experimental station of gardening.