In correspondence experience of cultivation of saplings of fruit crops and grapes in private nursery of Vladimir and Nina Volkovykh from page is shined. Don Simferopol area.
On August 12 this year in the village Don the Simferopol area in private nursery of Vladimir and Nina Volkovykh the meeting of gardeners and professional wine-growers and fans took place. On a meeting there arrived experts and heads of gardening and vinogradarsky farms of the Crimea, representatives of the district state administrations, farmers, gardeners and wine-growers from gardening regions of the Crimea, the Odessa and Zaporozhye areas.
Opening a meeting, the vice-chairman of Council of ministers of AR Crimea N. P. Kolisnichenko told that this and private nurseries similar to it can render the big help in restoration of such important primordially Crimean branches, as gardening and wine growing. He noticed, as happened more than once in Don at Volkovs – people who completely give itself to favourite business earlier, growing up saplings of native Crimean fruit crops, revive, thereby, former glory of the Crimean fruit growing. It reminded gathered that the Crimean apples and pears used once great demand across all Europe. Now, unfortunately, the saplings of these cultures which have been grown up in Don, are in demand in many regions of Ukraine, at us in the Crimea only their small part is realized. And it is necessary to sate with them the gardens before.
- It is necessary to work for prospect – emphasized with N. P. Kolisnichenko – developing a pitomnikovodstvo and increasing production of fruits and berries, to adjust processing and production realization.
Nikolay Petrovitch thanked Volkovs for enthusiasm, wished them big successes in work.
Pitomnikovoda acquainted gathered with plantings, in passing telling about each culture, about features of its cultivation, answering on a course questions interesting guests.
Business excursion began with landings of a filbert of a grade Trebizond. At once question:
- What scheme of landing?
And short concrete answer:
- 4 m x 5 m or 4 m x 6 m, depending on a soil condition.
Pitomnikovoda paid attention of participants of a meeting to an undersized apple-tree – Sinop white. Never in vegetation now a tree sprayed, and fruits pure, without wormholes. And tree height – 2 meters! The last is especially important. After all natives of the Crimea, generally tall that complicates harvesting and, thereby, extinguishes interest of gardeners to them. Volkova transferred the most part of tall fruit breeds to undersized stock M-9.
In nursery Sinapy, many other grades of apple-trees – only 17 grades, among which unique – Simirenko’s Rennet and Rosemary white are presented all. Here 8 grades of a pear, 2 – a quince, 4 – a peach and 1 – a nectarine, and still plum, a cherry plum, a sloe garden, an apricot, a cherry, sweet cherry, almonds, a currant of black, red, white, golden, 8 grades of a gooseberry, raspberry, a blackberry, a guelder-rose, pomegranate, a fig, a persimmon, zizifus and the most important culture of nursery – a cornel – in reproduction of 16 grades.
The grape shkolka takes a special place in nursery. Pitomnikovoda grow up saplings more than thirty in a complex steady grades of grapes. The technology is in details developed. In the autumn, during a leaf fall time, processing kuproksady or one-percentage bordeaux liquid, in the spring, before the vegetation beginning – too kuproksady, the third processing – Topaz, in development of escapes.
Top dressing – kristalony, watering – a drop irrigation, and a black film in ryadka under plants excludes such labor-consuming operation as weeding. When escapes develop so that start to hang down to the earth that they didn’t concern it and didn’t take up an illness and wreckers, them mint. This very well looks emerald, greens being cast on the sun, a shkolka!
The attention gathered especially was involved by subtropical cultures: pomegranate, zizifus, fig, persimmon. Cultures which, apparently, never can be entered in this far not a South careful landscape, behaved violently here foliage greens, on the grenade, near fruits, flowers were brightly shone, in kroner of a persimmon of eyes found still while green balls of fruits, branches zizifusa already bent from a crop.
Volkov had to explain that the persimmon at it though, generally and rather winter-hardy, but on the Caucasian stock, and therefore – ukryvny, zizifus, though the child of subtropics, but can maintain to – 300S, short-term frosts, and grenades and a fig …
- It becomes simply – he explained – I hammer on four parties from a bush four stakes and on four dispersing beams I bend and I pin to the branch earth, then prikapyvayu the earth. Here and all ukryvka for the winter.
The cornel to itself brought to Don Wolves from Kiev, from a botanical garden. There are at it grades with bochenkoobrazny, with elegantly extended fruits, is with fruits pear-shaped, in the form of a droplet, is with bright red and dark red fruits, is with the yellow.
And all this variety of cultures and their grades went in on 5 hectares. Earth obviously doesn’t suffice, to be developed in all power, apparently, there is no place. And if it is rational to use each meter it?. And here for an example. The arbor occupies 0,4 hectares of the area. Stakes on which the wire attached probes, having built in all length of an arbor, bear on itself fittings from metal corners and a shpalerny wire. The scheme of landing of grapes on such arbor 3 x3 m, for the third year after landing a besedochny vineyard gives 200 centners of berry from hectare. But there is more to come. Below, in row-spacings, the earth isn’t empty. The shadow from oblistvenny rods doesn’t disturb saplings of a cornel growing below. Leaves so that for the second year from landing pitonikovody receive from an arbor a crop of grapes and a cornel crop, and then also "crop" of saplings. And drop watering doesn’t give some moisture to weeds, than excludes weeding.