After it is harvested

Article contains detailed consultation about what works are carried out in a garden and on a kitchen garden after is harvested.

November of a crop

To attention of the truck farmer and gardener

Some zealous xozya­eva leave the vegetative remains on beds and save them for the device on spring of a warm bed. Experts insistently advise to burn potatoes tops of vegetable, to­matov and cucumbers that izba­vitsya from diseases and vrediteyoly these cultures, and a hothouse and a bed to disinfect. Starting to perekopke or to soil loosening, pozabot­tes about, that normalizi­rovat its acidity. Napomyonim that at acidity rN3 4 soil is considered silnoyokisly, 4-5 – sour, 5-6 – subacidic, 6-7 – neytyoralny, 7-8 – alkaline, 8-9 – silnoshchelochny.

The soil changes acidity therefore to check it it is necessary annually. It is simply to make it if to use indikatoryony (litmus) paper, koyotory it is possible to buy in magazi­nax chemical preparations.

In several places of your site it is necessary to take pochvenyony samples on all depth of a payokhotny layer. Each test is good for mixing on plen­ke, then to separate a small part, to humidify with distilliroyovanny or rain water and to put to it litmus paper. The shown krasyony color will mean that the soil on your site (or in that its place where it is taken pro­ba) silnokisly, pink will indicate on srednekisly, zhelyoty – the subacidic soil, zeyolenovato-blue color ozna­chaet that acidity is close to neutral, dark blue that it neutral.

Harmful for vegetable kul­tur superfluous acid sledu­et to eliminate with lime application. A lime enriches the soil with calcium and improves it in the tseyoly. On the enriched soil the crop of all vegetables stanovit­sya is much higher. By the way, it is quite possible to replace a lime with chalk, a dolomitic flour, marl or ashes.

To bring in the soil it is possible only a lime of very fine crushing therefore experts recommend all limy fertilizers to sift.

Normalizing acid-base balance, consider, od­nako that the razyolichny soil on acidity is necessary to various vegetable cultures also. So, for example, onions, a table beet, pepper, a parsnip, koyochanny cabbage prefer the neutral or slaboshcheyolochny soil. For them opti­malen level rN 6,8-7. At subacidic and close to neutral reaction cucumbers, color kapus­ta, salad, leek and nekotoyory other cultures well grow. The raised kislotyonost of the soil is suitable for tomatoes, a sorrel, potatoes, a rhubarb, carrots, go­roxa, radishes, a garden radish, a pumpkin, kayobachok.

In a garden with gathering apples and pears of late grades carry out also autumn watering of fruit, berry and decorative rasyoteniye, long-term flowers and lawns.

It is not necessary to be late and with autumn podkormkami de­revev and bushes.

Leaves and the cut-off escapes are better for collecting and burning. Old not fructifying trees vy­korchevat. After that the soil on their place it is quite good obra­botat solution copper ku­porosa (2 tablespoons on 10 l of water) or HOM preparation (40 g on 10 l of water). Zemyolya under winter it is necessary largely pe­rekopat. By the way, fruit de­revya on that place where it was dug out old, it is better not sa­zhat within 3 years. But this site can be used under beans, peas or a lupine.

In November in pristvolny circles of fruit-trees pod­sypayut peat, humus, opil­ki a layer to 10 see. That trunks and shtamby trees not po­portili rodents, tie with their old synthetic kolyogotka, wrap up roofing material or cover with a frightening-off mix (by one part of clay and a feltwort, 100 g of tar soap, 2 tablespoons of moloyoty black pepper and 50 g of stoyolyarny glue on a bucket).

To frighten off mice and rats, at the beginning of November put the yashchichka overturned upside down under cargo with preparayoty "Storm".

Berry cultures in seredi­ne should be connected November a poliyoetilenovy twine (so they winter better and keep ployodovy kidneys). And roses can be covered boxes or a film, having left at the earth otdushi­ny. Atop to put fir twigs.

Peonies, chrysanthemums and flok­sy need to be hilled, irises and luyokovichny plants to cover with fir twigs.

Fine uniyoversalny fertilizer yav­lyaetsya the usual wood jammed. This means is available to each truck farmer, uchityyovy that for coming pol­goda a heating season at many it can collect very much. Ashes soder­zhit potassium, phosphorus, calcium and number of valuable mikroeleyoment. Thus it can be applied under all cultures.

Ashes are useful for bringing in the autumn or in the spring under pere­kopku. It it is also possible ispol­zovat for podkormochny pod­sypki in row-spacings during the whole summer. First of all cucumbers need it, kabach­ki, potatoes, tomatoes, a pumpkin, pepper and eggplants. Skilled gardeners tell that, for example, plum started to fructify only after it fed up wood ashes.

If there is a possibility sox­ranyat ashes constantly dry, it won’t lose the properties even after long years a hraneyoniya. But if will get damp, po­teryaet almost all calcium.

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