Laboratory control – on bird flu

Unfortunately, it developed so that the considerable part of our compatriots remembers veterinary and sanitary control of food only after the country the wave of food poisonings will sweep. However and this fear suffices unless for a week – two. Threat of distribution of bird flu which forced many to refuse chicken meat consumption in general could cause the real fright only. Instead of cautions were superfluous, products which we buy in the markets and in shops are how safe? These and other questions are answered by the deputy director of the Central state laboratory of veterinary medicine Julia Novozhitskaya.

- Julia Nikolaevna who supervises quality of food in domestic market and is responsible for their safety?

- It in competence of veterinary service. According to the current legislation, it carries out the state veterinary and sanitary control and supervision of quality and safety of production of an animal origin, and in the markets – and a phytogenesis. She will answer and for export and an import.

- At what stage you supervise production?

- On the different. Both raw, and processing process, and finished product under vigilant supervision of veterinary service, its subsections cover all meat – fish – and molokopererabatyvayushchy plants which use raw materials of an animal origin, and also the enterprises of group storage of the raw foodstuff.

- Guarantees of safety which domestic veterinarians give are how high, and whether the network of laboratories is sufficient?

- On dannoevremya in Ukraine operate the Central laboratory, Crimean republican, regional, interregional, city, regional, interdistrict and on places of laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination. Certainly, it is best of all equipped central which is accredited on standards of 150 German bodies of accreditation In AR (the certificate vydanv last year for a period of five years). Here test on pyatyudesyati to indicators of quality and safety of production of an animal origin and forages. In particular, check existence of toxic elements, pesticides, microtoxins, a histamine, antibiotics, ceziya137, etc.

- And how rather peripheral laboratories?

- The Cherkassk, Lvov, Poltava, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk areas, the Kiev and Mariupol city laboratories prepare for German accreditation. The all-Ukrainian seminars, training of workers, including in the leading research centers of the countries of European Union are for this purpose held. These seven laboratories are equipped with minimum necessary quantity of the basic and auxiliaries, reactants, standards, reviewers materials.

- What does delivery have?

- Regional state laboratories of veterinary medicine of Cherkass, Exactly, Odessa, Lviv, Vinnytsia are accredited by National authority of accreditation of Ukraine according to state standards and the ISO standards. All other laboratories actively prepare for accreditation by the Ukrainian or foreign bodies. The equipment in them mainly domestic, they are provided with the minimum necessary quantity of reactants.

- By itself the question arises: with financing as?

- Laboratories function at the expense of the public and special funds. Besides, investments are involved also. For example, within project TASIS for the Central state laboratory of veterinary medicine the set of the most modern basic and the auxiliaries, the certificated reviewers materials and standards was acquired, and also its German accreditation is partially financed.

- Domestic laboratories don’t feel personnel deficiency?

- They are provided with necessary number of highly professional experts which periodically raise level of the knowledge at Institute after degree training at National agrarian university. Besides, constantly take part in various training, in interstate and national professional testings.

- Your services are how available?

- We are open for cooperation with clients. We can provide within the competence any consultation or council both to the certain citizen, and any organization, let that court or a supermarket. Concerning tariffs for our services, they meanwhile different, however already develop the unified. They are available, at least more, than services of Gosstandart and sanitary-and-epidemiologic service.

- Work of laboratories somehow changed in connection with threat of bird flu?

- For all state laboratories of veterinary medicine in addition bought diagnostikumy, and with heads of virologic departments held a special seminar concerning diagnostics of flu of a bird.

- Carry out some additional researches?

- In Ukraine the monitoring system behind flu of a bird at which first step there are experts of regional public service of veterinary medicine is created. They constantly examine a bird in farms and, in case of suspicion identification, select tests of serums of blood and patmaterial for diagnostic laboratory researches. The State plan of serologichesky monitoring in poultry farming by which continuous control of diseases of a bird is provided Besides, operates. For this purpose for the past year it is carried out 274 thousand researches, including over 35 thousand serums of blood are checked on flu of a bird.

- However all feathery to check, probably, it will not be possible. Especially it concerns migratory birds.

- For this reason zones and groups of risk concerning which the additional plan of action is developed are defined. Under vigilant supervision there are ways of migration of migratory birds, places of stops where they can contact to a house waterfowl. Small-scale family households also are under the strengthened control.

- And say that domestic laboratories aren’t capable to define flu strains…

- We are capable to allocate existence of antibodies to the causative agent of flu of a bird and to carry out their serotipizatsiya (recognition). And at allocation of an infecting agent it is possible to establish its belonging to a certain subtype. In the Central state laboratory this year the method of identification of the causative agent of flu of a bird by means of polimerazno-chain reaction is approved and entered.
