Identification of animals is obligatory

The order of identification and registration of agricultural animals is given in article: terms of its carrying out for various animals, cost of works are given.

The order of Cabinet council of Ukraine No. 555 from September 4, 2003 since January 1, 2004 installed obshchegosudarstvenyony system of identification and registration of animals.

For carrying out an identiyofikatsiya each owner of agricultural animals is obliged ob­ratitsya to the agent for a regisyotratsiya in which zone na­xoditsya an economy, to fill the demand for carrying out an idenyotifikatsiya, and also to receive the receipt on payment.

Cost of an identifikayotsiya of 1 head for fizicheyosky persons: cattle – 13,50 UAH., pigs – 12,60, sheep and goats – 8,70, horses – 18,00 UAH; for legal entities: cattle – 13,50 UAH., pigs – 8,80, sheep and goats – 5,20, horses – 18,00 UAH.

Identification neobxo­dimo to carry out: cattle – till July 1, 2006, pigs – to 1 yan­varya 2007, sheep and goats – till January 1, 2006, loshayody – till July 1, 2006.

After established periods moving zhiyovotny from an economy in a hoyozyaystvo, realization molo­ka, a face of animals on meat passports (sviyodetelstvo), and also a veteyorinarny card to pas­portu (certificate) will be carried out tol­ko prinalichiya on zhivotyony labels.

At sale of an animal the owner is obliged to address to the agent for entering of the corresponding record into the book of the accounting of animals about date of its sale, zapol­nit a reverse side pas­porta an animal and to transfer it to the new owner vme­ste with a card the peremeshcheyoniya. The second copy of a karyotochka of moving of an animal goes to an agentyostvo.

At a face the owner is obliged obratit­sya to the agent for entering of the corresponding record into the book of the accounting of animals about date and the face reason. To remove from an animal of a label, to fill a reverse side paspor­ta and within 7 days after date of a face to transfer them to the agent. Together with labels to transfer to the agent a moving card, the passport (sviyodetelstvo) and a veterinary card for their further destruction in an ustanovyolenny order.

On all arising questions connected with an idenyotifikatsiya and registration agricultural zhiyovotny, to address to agen­tu which serves nayoselenny point, or in Krymyosky branch of agency to the address: Public service of veterinary medicine informs subjects of managing of various forms of a sobstvenyonost that since July 1, 2006 issue of veterinary documents of the strict reporting (veterinary svideyotelstvo and references) on a pereyomeshcheniye large rogato­go cattle from an economy in a hoyozyaystvo, realization molo­ka and a face of animals on meat without identification is forbidden.

Owners of animals ne­zavisimo from sobyostvennost forms according to a deyyostvuyushchy zakonodatelyyostvo in case of default of these requirements will be exposed to adminvzyskaniye.

Century. Bug, head of the GP "AIRZh" Crimean branch.