Use order in 2008 of the means provided in the government budget (17-17) for selection in plant growing

The Order approved by the resolution of the Office of Ukraine from March 26 2008g is published. No. 269.

(it is approved as the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine

from March 26, 2008 of No. 269).

1. Nastoyashchiyporyadok defines use mechanism in 2008 of the means provided by Minagropolitikiv the government budget () poprogramme "Selection a vrasteniyevodstvo" and the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences poprogramme "Selection of crops in links of primary plant growing" (further – budgetary funds).

2. Budgetary funds go on partial compensation of cost priobretennyxi vyseyanny vtekushchy godusemyani posadochnogomateriala (further – compensation of cost of seeds) and the executed works in primary seed farming (further – compensation of cost of works) to legal entities irrespective of form of ownership and managing (except the budgetary establishments) in proportion to the sums approved in plans of allocations of the general fund of the government budget:

1) according to the program "Selection a vrasteniyevodstvo": to the agricultural enterprises brought in the State register of producers of a seed of a landing material (further – the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises), kotoryezakupili for means in the current year at other enterprises of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvai / or izgosudarstvenny reserve seed fund superelite and elite semenai posadochnyjmaterial grades (hybrids, them roditelskixform) crops of domestic selection for further production of a seed of a landing material;


to agricultural enterprises, kotoryezakupili for means in the current year at the enterprises of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvai / or izgosudarstvenny reserve seed fund semyangibridov corn of the first generation, oats, potatoes, a rape, peas, a buckwheat, a soya, long-term and one-year herbs of the first reproduction (further – the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo);


to the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises, the enterprises, kotoryenaxodyatsya under the authority of the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences and National academy of Sciences, to research and research farms of educational institutions agrarian obrazovaniyai sciences, kotoryeprinadlezhat a ksfer of management of Minagropolitiki brought in the State register of producers of a seed posadochnogomateriala, kotoryevypolnyayutraboty on primary seed farming (further – the enterprises of primary seed farming);


2) according to the program "Selection of crops in links of primary plant growing" – to the enterprises of primary seed farming, kotoryenaxodyatsya under the authority of the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences.


To the enterprises of primary seed farming, kotoryenaxodyatsya under the authority of the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences, compensation of cost of works predostavlyaetsyatolko according to one budgetary program. 


Kstoimosti of the executed works in primary seed farming which is subject to compensation, joins cost of acquisition of seeds, mineral fertilizers, means of protection of plants, combustive-lubricating materials, spare parts to kselskokhozyaystvenny equipment without the value added tax sums.


Compensation of cost of a seed compensation of cost of works (further – compensation) to predostavlyaetsyapredpriyatiya of primary seed farming, the enterprises of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvai to the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo on a venue them economic activity. 


3. Compensation not to predostavlyaetsyapredpriyatiya, kotoryepriznany bankrupts, against which vozbuzhdenodelo about bankruptcy or kotoryeimeyut prosrochennuyuboly than half a year debt before state both local budgets and the Pension fund of Ukraine.


4. Distribution of budgetary funds in coordination with the Ministry of Finance carries out:


1) Minagropolitikipo to the program "Selection vrasteniyevodstvo":


75 percent on compensation of cost of seeds – between the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and glavnymiupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations are proportional to the average area of crops of crops for proshedshietrigoda; 


25 percent on compensation of cost of works – in proportion to predicted volumes rasxodovna provedenierabot in primary seed farming of each enterprise, provided by research-and-production programs of primary seed farming for 2008.


Minagropolitikipo to coordination with the Ministry of Finance can carry out redistribution of budgetary funds following the results of nine months, and then monthly necessarily between managers of budgetary funds proportionally to the requirement defined in offers of Council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, regional and Sevastopol city the state administrations concerning reduction of volumes of budgetary funds in case of their impossibility ispolzovaniyaili need of a growth in volumes respectively godovomulimitu allocations;


2) The Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences behind the program "Selection of crops in links of primary plant growing" – in proportion to predicted volumes rasxodovna provedenierabot in primary seed farming of each enterprise, provided by research-and-production programs of primary seed farming for 2008.


Minagropolitiki, the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences, the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and a glavnyeupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations throughout the three-working days after distribution of budgetary funds place in printing mass media of the announcement of demands acceptance for polucheniyekompensatsiya with the indication of the list of necessary documents, terms and conditions of their representation.


5. For providing compensation:


to the enterprises of primary seed farming – to Minagropolitiky the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences of a sozdayutkomissiya also confirm them structure polozhenieo them;


to the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises, and the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo – the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and a glavnyeupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations of a sozdayutkomissiya with participation of representatives uchrezhdenijekspertizy, kotoryeprinadlezhat a ksfer of management of Gossortsluzhby, the state seed inspections, also confirm them structure polozhenieo them in coordination sMinagropolitiki.


For receiving compensation an ukazannyepredpriyatiya submit the commissions the demand in a form approved according to Minagropolitikiya by the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences.


To Kzayavka are applied:


1) certificates of debt, including with emergence term bolshechy half a year of doukazanny date, vydannyesootvetstvuyushchimorgany national tax service and Pension fondaUkrainy;


2) the reference about sostoyaniiraschetov according to lease contracts of ground shares (shares), vydannayarayonny upravleniyemagropromyshlenny development – for the enterprises of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvai the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo;


3) the certificate of the size of the area of lands of agricultural purpose, a kotoryenakhodyatsyavsobstvennost, continuous using or rent, vydannayatsentry the state land cadastre, and/or the certificate of the size of the area of ground shares (shares), vydannayaorgany, kotoryjzaregistriroval the lease contract of a ground share (share) respectively postanovleniyuKabineta Ministers of Ukraine from January 24, 2000 of N 119 () "About an utverzhdeniiporyadka of registration of lease contracts of a ground share (share)" (Ofitsialnyyvestnik Ukrainy, 2000, N 4, Art. 113);


4) the research-and-production program of primary seed farming for 2008 – for the enterprises of primary seed farming;


5) copies:


references of the izedinogogosudarstvenny register of the enterprises and organizations;


balansapredpriyatiya for last year;


passports on production and seed realization posadochnogomateriala;


the document, kotoryjpodtverzhdaet quality acquired a seed posadochnogomateriala – for the enterprises of primary seed farming;


commodity consignment notes on acquired semenai posadochnyjmaterial – for the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises, and the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo;


certificates of results of a production activity a vrasteniyevodstvo in the last two years – for the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises, and the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo;


the written obligation a vozvratitvmesyachnyysrok in the means budget in case of establishment by supervisory authorities of the fact of their illegal receiving and/or no-purpose use (in case of not return of means vukazanny term is charged a fine at a rate of 120 annual interest rates of discount rate of National bank per every day of delay). Thus in case of the vyyavleniyaukazanny facts to such enterprise stops predostavleniyelyuby state support throughout current and the three-next budgetary periods.


Copies of the specified documents should be to a zaverenypodpisye of the head, under seal the enterprises.


The commissions check the presented documents and sostavlyayutreestry the enterprises of primary seed farming, kotoryeimeyut the right to compensation of cost of works, the seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo enterprises, and the enterprises to products poproizvodstvo, kotoryeimeyut the right to cost compensation semyanpo to the form defined respectively by the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences and Minagropolitika.


In default in providing compensation the commission sends to the enterprise vtrekhdnevny term the reasonable answer with the indication of causes of failure.


6. The cost compensation amount to the semyankazhdy enterprise of seed farming and a pitomnikovodstvo, and the enterprise to a poproizvodstvo of products is defined by the commission proceeding from volumes bought it a seed of a landing material, and taking into account the amount of compensation of cost of 1 ton acquired a seed posadochnogomateriala, specified in the appendix.


The compensation amount of cost of works to the enterprises of primary seed farming is defined by the commission in proportion to predicted volumes rasxodovna primary seed farming of each enterprise.


7. The ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, a glavnyeupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations submit to sootvetstvuyushchimterritorialny bodies of the State treasury registers of the enterprises of seed farming and a pitomnikovodstvo, and the enterprises to a poproizvodstvo of products and payment doverennostidlya transfers of a compensation amount of cost semyanna current accounts of these enterprises, otkrytyevuchrezhdeniye of banks.


8. Operations, svyazannyes use of budgetary funds, are carried out according to Poryadkuobsluzhivany of the government budget behind expenses (), approved by the State treasury.


9. Statements, documents and registers, kotoryepostupayut from the enterprises for compensation of expenses, xranyatsyana an extent of three-years vMinagropolitiki, the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences, the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and glavnykhupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations.


10. The ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, a glavnyeupravleniye of agroindustrial development of the regional state administrations prepare and submit to Minagropolitikiyezhekvartalno to 15 chislamesyaets, kotoryjnastupaet behind the reporting period, information on number of agricultural enterprises by which compensation, volume acquired is provided to a seed a cost compensation amount semyanpo to the form approved by Minagropolitiki.


11. To Minagropolitikiya the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences submit to Minfinuyezhekvartalno to 20 chislamesyaets, kotoryjnastupaet behind the reporting period, summarized information in the forms, approved to Minagropolitikiya the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences, and after istecheniyabyudzhetny godado on February 1 the report on efficiency of use of budgetary funds.




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