About the list of documents

The letter of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine from 29.08.07 gave an explanation about granting the commission of the list of documents for obtaining the special grant for a livestock a telok.

The letter of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine from 29.08.07 of No. 37-27-2-12/13869

On numerous inquiries of agricultural producers concerning obtaining the speyotsialny grant for a livestock a telok and the list of documents which are provided to the commission for consideration of the ispolyyozovaniye defined by Order in 2007 of the means provided in the gosuyodarstvenny budget for development of animal husbandry, the approved resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from March 1, 2007 of No. 348 (further – Poryayodok No. 348), we report the following.

According to Order No. 348 point 36 for a poyolucheniye of the special grant for a livestock a telok agricultural enterprises represent till December 5, 2007 to managements agropromyshlenno­go developments regional and to management promyshlennos­ti and agroindustrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations the list of documents among which there would be a form No. 95 The act about pere­dache (sale) and cattle and bird purchase on dogoyovor with citizens, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture from 30.03.81 of No. 260-2 which is applied.

Ask the Commissions at the requirement of recipients to provide form 95 forms The act of transfer (sale) and cattle and bird purchase under contracts with citizens and explanations concerning its zayopolneniye.

Deputy minister Yu. PUZAN