The son of the veteran – worthy, but little-known

In this article the little-known grade of a peach the Son of the Veteran with all his characteristics and features is presented to the reader.

In collections of the Crimean gardeners

In collections of the Crimean gardeners

At present autumn fair went from the car to the car from which traded in saplings, was interested at the small traders who have settled down by a row, whether there is no at them a sapling of a peach of a grade the Son of the Veteran. And everywhere heard one:

- About such grade even didn’t hear.

About the Veteran – the "American" who long ago already got accustomed and has won glory by the large tasty fruits, almost all Crimean gardeners, and here the Son of the Veteran received by selectors of the Nikitsky botanical garden in the remote past from crossing of parental with other grade know, still remains amazing stranger.

- Surprising, by the way, this "sonny" – tells engaged kostochkovy the gardener from Skvortsovo of the Simferopol area Anatoly Korchevny (ph. 336-451). Still my late mother brought to that old Soviet period from the market together with others known and a sapling of this grade. Plant supposedly the son, there we will look that will turn out.

Something turned out unexpected. Fruits in general not so large – 130 grams, but so attractive by the brightly orange charm, eyes you will not tear off!

- Brought somehow some boxes of a peach on the market to Evpatoria, among other and two boxes of fruits of the Son of the Veteran. People go, at other fruits don’t look, all looks are chained to those two boxes – continues the story Anatoly. One Georgian approached.

- How much yours persik, daragy!

- Four rubles for kg – answer. (It is necessary to tell that four Soviet rubles during that time – the price good).

- You will not give cheaper? Give, listen, wholesale I take …

I insist on the price. It leaves, went, went somewhere, then returned.

- Listen, the same peach saw, on two rubles …

And I to it …

- If though one fruit same you will bring – everything that at me remained I will give for nothing.

Again went, went, returned and with a sigh speaks:

- No, listen, such, similar is, and such – isn’t present. Give on four rubles, I will take.

- Well also gave it everything that by then remained.

Here such it, Son of the Veteran! Under Korchevnogo’s certificate, it is very market grade, and not only with beauty of fruits seduces, and by terms of their maturing well in the market it is entered (maturing term – the second decade of July, a heat of a resort season).

- I will not tell that this grade very much loves to a scrap, it to it is vital, than cut more, it is less than subjects of fruits, but they are larger. And its compact krone and low, dwarfish, actually, growth as well as possible enter it in limited space of the small land lots – the owner of a garden explains.

Century PASHHENKO, conducting headings.