The main objective – injury prevention

The industrial injuries reasons at the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises for 2006 and the I quarter 2007 are analyzed. The questions of protection demanding originally the decision at branch and regional levels are reflected. The operational information about a traumatism is given in ARK agrarian and industrial complex for the I quarter 2007.

In 2006 on agricultural enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex of AR Crimea there were 32 accidents, two of them to a deadly outcome. In comparison with 2005 the general traumatism decreased by 14,7 %, and deadly grew by one case.

The analysis of accidents for 2006 showed that number of workers which were injured during road accident and falling makes 36 % from total. The agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises almost have no specialized services of the organization of traffic as that is demanded by the Law About traffic. For the prevention of the specified cases it is necessary to improve considerably selection and professional development of drivers, carefully to check a technical condition of vehicles before flights, to improve the organization of pretrip medical examinations of drivers, to toughen control of observance of requirements of traffic, to organize the appropriate equipment of parking for vehicles.

On operational information of the State traffic inspectorate of AR Crimea, for January-March, 2007 176 road traffic offenses by drivers of agrarian and industrial complex of AR Crimea, including in a state of intoxication – 16 are allowed, fined public officials: for release of drunk drivers – 8, for release of faulty vehicles – 79.

Owing to contact to animals last year 6 workers of animal husbandry suffered. Control of safe works, the safe maintenance of animals and knowledge of their habits can prevent similar cases.

In agricultural production the equipment exceeding on the width a tractor therefore there is a danger of a travmirovaniye during its maneuvering is used. The heads who are responsible for the organization of field works, before their performance are obliged to designate dangerous places (ledges, stones etc.) to allocate rotary strips and to define vacation spots.

Unfortunately, heads not all farms care of restoration of elektrostarterny start of engines of tractors. According to inspection of the Gostekhnadzor of the Crimea, as of 06.04.07 1354 tractors from 2027 provided on checkup that makes 67 % have elektrostarterny start.

We shouldn’t forget that only from 2000 to 2006 in AR Crimea there were 12 accidents, at which eight machine operators were lost. Therefore the question of control of a technical condition of machine and tractor park in preparation of mechanisms and their use should be prime.

Heads of the enterprises are obliged to remember always that they, according to the legislation, bear an individual responsibility for providing safe and harmless working conditions on production. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen control of training to labor protection, observance by workers of safety rules on workplaces.

As of 01.01.2007, 191 released expert in labor protection work at agricultural enterprises only. Saving on this service, heads of agricultural enterprises, executive authorities in rural districts threaten health and life of the working.

The law About labor protection provides that activity of employers and local public authorities should go on that in an everyday life found the practical contents and confirmed the main principle of public policy in the field of labor protection a priority – life and health of workers.

It is especially actual today, in formation of market economy, creation of the numerous enterprises with non-state forms of ownership. They have no departmental submission and consequently the role of bodies of the local executive authority in the organization of safe and healthy working conditions, elimination of the reasons of industrial injuries should increase essentially. Not to understand it and to ignore requirements of the Law it is not given anybody.

Nowadays it is necessary to practise vzaimoproverka in areas during which representatives of farms check serviceability of equipment and a labor protection condition at the neighbors.

The ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine tries to change a situation, having recreated first of all, a branch chain of command labor protection. The ministry of AP AR Crimea carries out work on a reconstruction of established posts in regional managements of agroindustrial development. However, chairmen of the Belogorsky, Nizhnegorsky, Lenin, Saksky and Black Sea district state administrations, referring to economic difficulties, so far didn’t solve a question of restoration of established posts of experts in labor protection. As a result in these areas subject work in this sphere at the enterprises of agricultural industry isn’t conducted.

"Sick" questions on agricultural enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex – registration and receiving permissions of the Gosgorpromnadzor for works of the increased danger and operation of objects of the increased danger. And after all it is works and in operating electroinstallations, welding, works in wells, at height etc. To organize work, to designate the development direction, supply with necessary normative documents specialists of regional managements of agroindustrial development can.

Carried out by the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Ukraine the All Ukraine seminar meeting in Nikolaev with representatives of the Gosgorpromnadzor, State Department of fire safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine, research establishments, trade unions of workers of agrarian sector of economy reflected on April 2-4, 2007 urgent problems of labor protection which originally demand the decision at branch, regional levels:

– restoration of security services of work in district managements, in agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership;

– completion of a branch control system by labor protection in agricultural industry;

– creation of the industry program on labor protection and its budget financing;

– system updating of branch regulatory base on labor protection with involvement of chairs of labor protection of agrarian universities of Ukraine;

– creation of mobile offices of labor protection etc.

Each head of an economy for some reason considers that the bitter bowl of a travmirovaniye, and even loss of the worker passes his economy. Doesn’t pass if not to create the corresponding conditions, namely a high security of work and rest. Such measure doesn’t demand means, but can lower traumatism level considerably.

In 1 quarter 2007 there were 7 occupational accidents (including 1 deadly). The reason of the fatal case which has occurred to the security guard became, an unsatisfactory technical condition of the equipment and violation of labor and production discipline. And it once again confirms that control of the appropriate equipment of workplaces of watchmen (security guards), their training to labor protection rules, check of observance by these workers of labor discipline should warn such cases.

Accidents in the current year occurred in Kirovsk, Nizhnegorsky, Dzhankoysky, Razdolnensky, Simferopol, Black Sea areas.

It is necessary for employers of the enterprises to give special attention to questions of passing by public officials and the workers performing works of increased danger, training and examination concerning labor protection, and also to instructing of workers, the organization of control of a technical condition of cars and mechanisms, the organization of pretrip medical examinations of tractor operators-drivers and drivers, the equipment of vehicles devices for safe transportation of workers, to providing workers with means of collective protection and control of their application, control by public officials of the enterprises of how the labor and production discipline is observed by workers.

It would be desirable for pozhelatnashy heads that they worked in a legal framework of labor protection. It will be pledge of creation of safe working conditions on production. There should not be heads of the enterprises and the public officials indifferent to problems of improvement of working conditions, industrial injuries prevention.

In honor of the World Day of labor protection it would be desirable to wish to our workers – health, fruitful and safe work on the earth.


about industrial injuries in agro-industrial complex

The autonomous republic Crimea for the I quarter 2007

V. GRIGORIEV, deputy chief of department of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea.