The worker has the right to appeal to court with the recovery suit of a salary ought to it without restriction by any term

The letter of Ministry of Labor of Ukraine About letter consideration from 16.07.2007 of No. 192/06/186.

The letter of Ministry of Labor of Ukraine About letter consideration from 16.07.2007 of No. 192/06/186.

According to Ukyoraina’s Civil code the general term of limitation period is established lasting 3 years. It is applied as an obyoshchy rule to all requirements of civil-law character if only for separate types of requirements special term of limitation period, and irrespective of who submits the claim isn’t provided: citizen, individual, yuridiyochesky person, state.

As to the labor relations connected with violation by the employer of the legislation on compensation (for example, untimely payment of a salary), to Art. 233 of the Labor code of Ukraine it is established that the worker has the right to appeal to court with the recovery suit nadyolezhashchy to it a salary without restriction by any term.