Almonds grades for the southern regions of Ukraine

Advantage of almonds high drought resistance, relative indiscriminateness to soils is considered, the minimum quantity of processings in the course of cultivation and possibility of long storage of nuts without loss of flavoring and nutritious properties by them.
The author of article recommends a number of grades of the Crimean selection for the southern regions of Ukraine, tells about their pomolchesky properties and characteristics.

Advantage of almonds as orekhoplodny culture high drought resistance, relative indiscriminateness to soils is considered, the minimum quantity of chemical processings in the course of cultivation and possibility of long storage of nuts without loss of flavoring and nutritious properties by them.

The technology of cultivation of almonds is developed, approved and doesn’t demand a bigger investment of means, than for other fruit crops of family of the rozotsvetny. At the correct selection of grades and a successful arrangement of a site the almonds can be grown up with success not only in the Crimea, but also in the Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev areas and in Zakarpatye.

The major factor limiting distribution of this culture is the short period of winter rest of generativny kidneys and early flowering. In this regard there is a danger of injury of floral kidneys, a flower and zavyazy spring frosts. Therefore selection of almonds is directed on receiving the grades which have been well adapted for soil climatic conditions of Ukraine. Thus the grade should have a long, steady dormant period of generativny kidneys, late flowering, high flavoring and commodity qualities.

Now selectors of the Nikitsky botanical garden – National scientific center created group of grades of the almonds, which flowering even in the conditions of the southern coast of the Crimea it falls on the middle – the end of April.

As control the zoned grade Nikitsky 62, widespread in all regions of cultivation of almonds is accepted. A grade winter-hardy, with the long, steady period of winter rest, fruitful. Blossoms at the beginning or the middle of April, nuts ripen in the middle of September. Average mass of a nut of 3,6 g, a shell standard, an exit of a kernel of 35 %, quantity of double kernels – 40 %. The kernel thin skin rough, brown, quite rigid that reduces its quality.

For cultivation in the conditions of the South of Ukraine as industrial culture, and also for farmer and priusadebny gardening it is possible to recommend the following grades of the almonds, differing late flowering, good productivity and excellent flavoring qualities.

The seaside. Tree of low, about 3,5 m in height. Krone fanlike, with flat top. Krone height less than its width. Krone dense, escapes short, thick, it is good oblistvenny. A bark shtamba and skeletal branches brownish-gray, at annual escapes the green. Leaves large, lantsetny. Sheet plate concave, green, brilliant leaf Basis one-sided, roundish. A flower slightly more average size, rozovidny, petals white, at the basis the pink. The grade has a long, steady dormant period. Blossoms late – in the middle of April. Pollinators: Nikitsky 62, Dessert, Alenik and others.

Fructification enters for the second year after landing to a constant place. Fruits ripen late – at the beginning of October. Productivity high (hereinafter – a dry nut) – 9,2 kg from a tree of 10-year age in not irrigated conditions. Okoloplodnik separates easily. A nut of the extended form with the pointed top, the basis roundish.

Shell soft, surface yamchato-rough. Average mass of a nut of 2,7 g. A kernel of the extended form, a thin skin brown, rough, thin. On a break of white color, taste sweet, oily. A kernel exit – 50 %. Advantages of a grade in comparison with control: compact form of krone, high productivity.

The dessert. Tree of the average size, height about 4,5 m. Krone roundish, almost spherical. The ends of escapes thin, hanging down down that gives to krone a plakuchy form. Krone dense, well oblistvenny. A bark gray, at annual escapes the green. Leaves large, lantsetny, settle down horizontally. Sheet plate flat or concave, green color, brilliant. Leaf basis the sharp. A flower of the average size, rozovidny, fragrant, petals are white, at the basis the pink. The grade differs high frost resistance of floral kidneys. Blossoms in the middle of April. Pollinators: Seaside, Spicy, Steppe and other at the same time blossoming grades.

This grade enters fructification for the third year after landing. Fruits ripen in the middle of September. Productivity high. To 7,5 kg. with 9 – a summer tree. Okoloplodnik separates easily. Nuts homogeneous for the size, an oval form, the basis is poorly pointed. Shell soft, rough, yamchaty. Average mass of a nut of 3,1 g Kernel of an elongated and oval form, thin skin yellowish-brown, thin skin thin. A kernel on a break of white color. Taste sweet, oily. Exit of a kernel of 49,4 %, double kernels of 21,2 %. Advantages of a grade in comparison with control: regular productivity, high frost resistance of generativny kidneys.

Alenik. A tree of average height (at 14-year age of 4,5 m in height). Krone roundish, dense. Acquiring escapes thin because of what hang down a little. The bark shtamba and skeletal branches brownish-gray, at annual escapes green, from sunny side has antotsianovy coloring. Leaves lantsetny, slightly more small, than at other grades, green, smooth, slightly concave, grow horizontally or slightly trailing. The flower of the average size, rozovidny, fragrant, petals white, an uosnovaniye pink Blossoms usually in the middle of April. Pollinators: Nikitsky 62, Dessert, Steppe, etc.

Fructification enters for the 4th year after landing. Productivity at 9-year age over 6 kg from a tree in not irrigated conditions. Ripens in the first half – the middle of September. Okoloplodnik separates easily.

Nut of the extended form, top srednezaostrenny. Shell soft, rough, yamchaty. Appearance of a nut is very attractive. Average mass of its 2,3 g. The kernel is well executed, the extended form, a thin skin yellowish-brown, smooth, such. On a break of slightly cream color, taste sweet, oily. A kernel exit over 55 %, double kernels – 15 %. Advantages of a grade in comparison with control: earlier term of maturing of nuts, is higher productivity, an exit and quality of a kernel.

The steppe. A tree of the average size (at 11-year age in height of 4,8 m). Krone dense, roundish. The ends of branches in the top part of krone sticking out, in bottom the slightly hanging down. A bark gray, at annual escapes green, further the brownish-brown. Leaves lantsetny, green, slightly concave, horizontal or slightly the trailing. Flower of the average size, rozovidny, fragrant, petals gently pink. Flowering time – the beginning and the middle of April. Pollinators: Alenik, Dessert Nikitsky 10 and others.

Fructification enters for the 4th year after landing. Productivity for the 8th year to 5 kg from a tree in not irrigated conditions. Maturing time – the end of August or the beginning of September. Okoloplodnik separates easily.

Nut of the extended form with srednezaostrenny top. A shell soft, rough, yamchaty, more light, than at other grades. Average mass of a nut about 2,5 g. The kernel of the extended form, is well executed, a thin skin yellowish-brown, smooth, thin. On a break white, taste sweet with weak almond aroma, oily. An exit of a kernel of 56 %, double kernels to 25 %.

Advantages in comparison with control: earlier term of maturing (nuts of this grade ripen one of the first), a high exit and very high quality of the kernel, attractive appearance of nuts.

Long-term researches show that grades of almonds of selection of the Nikitsky botanical garden – National scientific center differ late flowering, early maturing of fruits and surpass control in productivity and quality of fruits. At observance of all requirements for agroleaving their successful cultivation in the conditions of the southern region of Ukraine and in Zakarpatye is possible.

I.Chernobay, the candidate of agricultural sciences, the senior research associate the Nikitsky botanical garden – National scientific center, Yalta.