Agrarian science – in life!

At the initiative of heads of Council of ministers of Kolisnichenko N. P. and the Ministry of an agrarian policy of Akimov P. I. scientific and practical conferences where the interested conversation of scientists of an educational and research agrarian science with experts agricultural producers took place are carried out to autonomies.
In article experience of cooperation of educational advice center by scientific institutions and a number of selkhoztovaproizvoditel on development of scientific development and introduction of the best practices on a contractual bezoplatny basis is given.


The autonomy government in the person of N. P. Kolisnichenko (Council of ministers) and P.I.Akimova (Minagropolitiki) together with Presidium of the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences, efficiency increase from introduction of achievements of an agrarian science and the best practices perseveringly and consistently achieve.

On their initiative within the precincts of the NAU Southern branch Crimean agrotechnological university, and then the Crimean institute of agroindustrial production in Klepinino’s village, scientific and practical conferences where the interested conversation of scientists of an educational and research agrarian science with experts agricultural producers took place were carried out.

Acceleration of rates of progress directly depends on degree of readiness of people creatively to perceive new scientific and technological ideas and to use them that in many respects is defined by qualification of the shots capable actively to influence introduction of innovations.

Increase of innovative culture of workers of agroindustrial production carries out the Crimean state agrarian educational advice center.

Personnel capacity of agrarian research establishments of the Autonomous Republic Crimea

All above-named establishments, and also the Crimean state agrarian educational advice center form the Center of scientific ensuring agroindustrial production of the Autonomous Republic Crimea.

At discussion of a condition of a science on one of the Ukrainian TV channels sounded: Naukovci sogodni bagati svoїmi nevt_leny vinaxodami.

One of important components of work of the Crimean state agrarian educational advice center – implementation of support of the finished scientific development, other achievements as domestic and foreign science and practice, and also distribution of information on statement of new experiments.

Cooperation of educational advice center with scientific institutions and agricultural producers on development of scientific development and the best practices, is carried out on a contractual bezoplatny basis. So, with head establishment of the APP Regional center – the Crimean institute of agroindustrial production signed the contract on collaborations in experience statement for achievement of high economic results at cultivation of table carrots of German selection in the conditions of open soil, the area of 7 hectares. Similar contracts act with JSC 8 Martha-Agrosad of the Dzhankoysky area and SPK "Georgia" of the May Day area on consultation of cultivation of early potatoes with use of a new ukryvny material – Pegasus agrofibres, on the square, respectively, 5,0 and 4,0 hectares, with "Afonyushkin’s" state of emergency of the May Day area, state of emergency "Sulaymanov" of the Saksky area on introduction in production of the zoned and new perspective grades and hybrids of cabbage and ovoshchebakhchevy cultures of domestic and foreign selection in the conditions of open soil, respectively 3,5 and 56,5 hectares.

The contract on joint activity with the Crimean research center of Institute of hydraulic engineering and UAAN land improvement for development in production of the finished research development and applied researches, in particular, works on development of new information technologies of agrochemical inspection of soils and improvements of their fertility with use of technologies of their remote and contact sounding in agromeliorative information and consulting systems is concluded and operates.

Cooperation is begun with the Southern experimental station of institute of agricultural microbiology of UAAN on rendering of the consulting help in application of a complex of biological products on winter wheat, winter barley, fig. At the lowest costs of biological products (the price of 1 hectare/portion from 12 hryvnias) they give a grain yield increase in farms of the Crimea from 1,9 to 7,5 µ¡/hectare.

The next meeting of scientists and practicians on which discussion of the Concept of the program of scientific ensuring agroindustrial production of the Autonomous Republic Crimea will take place will take place on January 25, 2007. The reader will be informed on its results.