Protravlivaniye of seeds and timely processing of crops – receptions the most radical

One of the most effective ways of decrease in production and financial expenses – introduction of resource-saving technologies, replacement of plowing bezotvalny and superficial processings of the soil is described. Article contains speech of the chief of the State inspection on protection of plants of AR Crimea.

Dear colleagues

One of the most effective ways of decrease in production and financial expenses – introduction of resource-saving technologies, replacement of plowing with bezotvalny and superficial processings of the soil. However it is possible only at highly effective protection of plants.

The soils which have remained on a surface the vegetative remains are the power supply, accumulation and distributions of diseases. So, for example, sort mushrooms an alternariya always were considered to a floor saprofitny, however, now is established that they – a source gnily. And results of fytosanitory monitoring of seeds show that distribution root gnily directly depends on the predecessor. The greatest injuriousness gnily otmechaetsyapri crops on sunflower, corn and an eddish (from 30 to 50 %).

One more source of accumulation of a mushroom and bacterial infection – a seed material. Annual phytoexamination of seeds shows that it is infected with activators root gnily, septorioza, a plesneveniye of seeds.

And in this situation the protravlivaniye of seeds is obligatory. Therefore it was pickled in 2006 of 80,7 tons in 2007 – 94 tons, and in 2008 it is necessary to pickle 105,4 tons of seeds.

Now as a whole across the Crimea the need for protravitel makes 80,7 tons available only 36,1 tons that makes 45 % from necessary quantity. Below srednegoobespechennostv Lennisky (18 %), Bakhchsarai, Belogorsky (20 %), Kirovsk, Krasnogvardeysky, Saksky (33-35 %) areas.

At a protravlivaniye the good result gives joint application of chemical and biological preparations, such as psevdobakterin-2, fosfoenterin, rozoeterin and others.

I will notice only that reduction of norms of a protravitel in two against biological preparations is inexpedient.

Source of accumulation of an infection continues to remain and the soil therefore even the crops placed on good predecessors, can demand application fungicidov even during the autumn period. The choice of the protravitel protecting a plant from diseases, depends on results of phytoexamination of seeds. Besides the componental protravitel containing one operating substance, are capable to protect seeds from an infection partially only. So the preparations containing karboksin, constrain a golovnevy infection and a plesneveniye of seeds to 100 %, however are less effective against root the gnily – from 30 to 60 %. Triazola (tebukonazol, difenokonazol, britinonazol) faultlessly solve a problem firm and dusty golovni, but not so well operate against the gnily. To shooting galleries (TMTD) to 100 % reduces contamination root gnilyami, to 70 % – firm golovni and only to 50 % – gelmintosporiozy. Therefore it is most expedient to use the preparations containing two active ingredients.

What effective a protravitel nbbyl, duration of his protective action doesn’t exceed 40 days. Therefore processings against these diseases are recommended to be carried out to early-spring terms at the same time with chemical weeding.

It is not necessary to forget and about wreckers. During the present period the bulk of a bug of a harmful cherepashka is in leso-and plodopolosax. But wrecker very active. The weight varies it from 110 to 145 ml. gr. males – from 80 to 130 ml. gr. These data speak about its non-uniform development. It continues dopityvatsya on fields scattered and under straw the left grains. It is necessary as soon as possible for all producers to finish a postharvest disking of the soil.

Weather conditions of autumn of 2008 will be favorable for development of myshevidny rodents, however, owing to the successful actions which have been carried out in 2007-2008 their injuriousness it is expected below almost in two, than last year. The most intense situation should be expected on fields after sunflower and fig. Therefore at emergence of 2-3 colonies on hectare, 7-10 holes in a colony, it is necessary to start fight against myshevidny rodents.

Injuriousness of the grain ground beetle will be noted first of all on fields where crops are placed on sternevy predecessors. Roughly expected number of the wrecker will exceed 1,5-2 pieces/m (that above an injuriousness threshold). Therefore where crops will be placed on an eddish, on watering we urgently recommend to carry out a toksikatsiya of seeds a preparation – a rogor with norm of an expense of 1,8 l/t, in three days prior to crops or in day of sowing. It will allow to be sure within 40-45 days that larvae of the wrecker won’t destroy young shoots. After the termination of this term only laborious, daily work on identification and localization of the wrecker during the whole autumn and winter period will allow to keep crops. At number of the wrecker of 0,5-1 pieces/m it is necessary to process such preparations as Basalt k.e. – 1,8 l/hectares, Damascus century e. – 1,5-1,8 l/hectares, Diazinon k.e. 1,5-1,8 l/hectares.

Within two last years increase of number of cereal flies is noted. Therefore crops winter in optimum and late terms will promote decrease in their injuriousness.

During the autumn period of the current year it is necessary to expect ochazhny injuriousness podgryzayushchy a scoop (wheaten and winter) in crops of grain crops. Therefore at number of 2-3 pieces/m it is necessary to provide ochazhny and continuous processings by preparations: Bazudin of 60 % for century of river of 1,8 l/hectares, Bi-58N 40 % k.e. 1,5 l/hectares, Volaton of 50 % k.e. 2 l/hectares.

Due to the sharp differences of a temperature mode in day and night hours, during the autumn period it is necessary to pay attention to such diseases of winter crops as: mealy dew, root decayed, a rust. In case of manifestation of these diseases it is necessary to carry out processings by such preparations as: Fundazol of 0,5 kg/hectares (at air temperature +7-14°C), or Bayleton 0,5¬ú/hectare, Impakt – 0,5 l/hectares, Rex Duo – 0,4-0,6 l/hectares (at temperature above +14°S).

To plan and prove costs of protection of plants, it is necessary to conduct autumn soil survey of fields and long-term cultures, for the purpose of definition of a potential stock of wreckers. Briefly I will stop only on inspection of a field crop rotation.

Inspection of the soil of fields of one crop rotation on identification of pochvoobitayushchy wreckers is carried out in each area on all farmland of the area in time from September 15 to September 30 by a method of soil excavation. The Obsledovatelsky link, is equipped with a plywood or film leaf in the size (50×100 cm), a shovel, capacities (banks with salt solution). Performance standard of such link – 12-15 holes for the working day. On a surveyed site in chessboard order at identical distance one from another, dig out holes in the size 50×50 and depth 50 see. On 100 hectares – dig 16 holes, over 100 – on 4 on each 50 hectares. Posloyno look through the soil, bring together the found insects in banks with salt solution. One field – one test.

By the above-stated technique on all farmland of the area carry out soil excavation of fields under crops of winter crops on determination of population them caterpillars winter and others podgryzayushchy a scoop, and also larvae and bugs of the grain ground beetle. This inspection is carried out in time from September 20 to October 10, at depth of excavation 15 see.

Inspection of forest belts, plodopolos, forests on identification of a wintering stock of a bug of a harmful cherepashka and other wreckers is carried out till September 20. In chessboard order at uniform removal one from another look through registration platforms 50X50. At the rate of 1 platform on 1 hectare of the wood or 20 for a quarter in the area of 20 hectares. In a forest belt put from calculation one on 0,5 hectares, but not less than 8 on a surveyed site. In a forest belt of test put in the form of a zigzag. Carefully look through fallen leaves and the vegetative remains, bark cracks, count up quantity of bugs and fill labels.

Inspection of winter crops on population their Giessen and Swedish flies is carried out after emergence of shoots of winter crops on all farmland from October 1 to October 15. Thus crops of winter wheat, winter barley and a rye on different predecessors and with different terms of seeding are surveyed separately. On 100 hectares test from 8 running meters undertakes. On the crops occupying the big space, in addition take on 4 running meters on each 50 hectares. The plants taken from all running meters of the surveyed field, make one test. All plants in test carefully dig out with roots and slightly shake off from them the earth then look through each plant separately, unbending vaginal leaves, and cutting a needle each stalk.

In the analysis, considering not populated and populated plants, count up not infected and infected plants, the found larvae and pupariya.

V. Permyakov, chief of the State inspectorate for protection of plants of AR Crimea.