Bakhchevye can eat

In the message it is told about how sanitarno – the epidemiological service supervises realization of bakhchevy cultures in places of trade of the Crimea.


The content of nitrates in water-melons and melons which sell in Simferopol, not prevy­shaet norm.

According to the chief health officer Simyoferopolya Oleg Goncharenko, specialists of sayonitarno-epidemiological service ezheyodnevno investigate control tests of water-melons and the melons, taken from offtakers who eat bakhchevy in official and spontaneous places of trade.

- Daily in points of trade the bakhchevy select more than 20 tests. Excess of standards of the content of nitrates both in melons, and in ar­buzax, it is not revealed – the head of the Simferopol SES assures.

Kontekst-media news agency materials are used.