Calendula medicinal in the Crimea

Receptions of cultivation of a calendula are given in article in the south of Ukraine. Besides, the results of calculations showing high economic efficiency of cultivation of this culture in the conditions of the Crimea are yielded.


Calendula medicinal – CalendulaofficinalisL. – the grassy annual plant which long since is widely used in medicine for preparation of bactericidal preparations, every possible broths for treatment of pro-ice cold diseases [1]. The need for raw materials of danyony culture for Ukraine isn’t satisfied now, demand considerably prevy­shaet the offer. The reason of it one – big labor input of cultivation kalen­duly. Known receptions of its cultivation are developed generally for the central regions of Ukraine [2]. And in the south of the country danyony questions remained not studied.


Researches were carried out in the Crimea on eksperimenyotalny base of institute efiromaslichny and herbs in the village the Crimean rose of the Belogorsky area in 1996-2000.

Two-factorial experiment on development of osnovyony receptions of an agrotechnology on a calendula lekaryostvenny was put in the spring of 1996.

Experience scheme:

Factor And – norms of seeding of konditsionny seeds: 1,0 and 1,5 million pieces/hectares that there correspond 10 and 15 kg/hectares of seeds;

Factor In – fertilizers: control – without fertilizers and N60PM.

The soil of a skilled site – the southern tyazheloyosuglinisty carbonate chernozem, rN 7,0-7,2, the maintenance of a humus in an arable layer of earth of 2,7-3,0 %, the general nitrogen – 0,12 %, the general phosphorus – 0,10 % and the general potassium – 27-32 mg-ekv/100 of g are absolute – the dry soil.

The area of an allotment 60 sq.m, frequency of vayoriant in experience – quadruple.

As the main preparation of the soil applied plowing on depth 25-27 see. Fertilizers brought early in the spring under the first cultivation, manually. Used ammiyoachny saltpeter and superphosphate. Predshestvenyonik – winter wheat on grain. In experience is­polzovali reproductive seeds kalen­duly grades Kalta.

Researches carried out the standard methods [3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

During vegetation carried out fenoloyogichesky supervision over growth and development of plants, the accounting of density of standing of plants, selected soil samples, defined humidity of the soil and mass to a dale in it azo­ta, phosphorus and potassium on standard meto­dikam [8].

The accounting of a crop of a flower of a calendula provodi­li within four months, from July 10 to November 6. At the account defined flower lump from all allotment. The quantity of a flower and average weight considered them in the first month of a tsveyoteniye, in appreciable distinctions in a flowering intensivyonost between options. Collecting cvet­kov to this period carried out twice – three times a week. Further, till the end of vegetation, defined only flower lump on allotments and a mass fraction of nutritious veyoshchestvo (NPK) in a calendula flower.


According to literary data a calendula re­komenduetsya to sow shirokoryadno with mezhdurya­dyami 60 cm and norm of seeding of seeds of 10-12 kg/hectares, and as fertilizers to introduce nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer in a dose of N50P120 and R8 with crops [1, 2].

As a result of research primov a calendula vozyodelyvaniye in the conditions of the Crimea usyotanovleno the following. With increase nor­my seeding of seeds of a calendula density of standing of plants increases slightly – by 9,5-10,5 %, both on control, and on udobrenyony option that testifies to a calendula sposobyonost to self-regulation of svoyoy density. Norms of seeding of seeds of a calendula practically didn’t affect mass of a flower which on both options decreased because of a lack of moisture of the soil, almost in 2 times, with 1,12 to 0,63 g. Fertilizers integrated a flower for 1,7-6,0 %.

Definition of the maintenance of mobile forms of nutrients in the soil pozvoli­lo to establish that application of fertilizers, in a dose of N50P60 increased the contents in an arable layer of nitrates with 7,7 to 21,2 mg/kg, mobile compounds of phosphorus with 34,0 to 57,7 mg/kg and exchange potassium with 313 to 365 mg/kg absolyutyono the dry soil. Norms of seeding of seeds kalen­duly practically didn’t affect on soderzhayony nutrients in the soil. In a konechyony result optimization of a food mode po­chvy owing to application of fertilizers obespe­chila higher productivity of a flower on this option (tab. 1).

Norms of seeding of seeds and sootvetstvenyono density of standing of plants practically didn’t affect productivity of a flower of a calendula.

As showed analyses, fertilizers and nor­my seeding of seeds very poorly affected the maintenance of basic elements of a food in a flower of a calendula (tab. 2).

Therefore carrying out of elements of a food cvet­kami on options of experience in the basic oprede­lyalsya in size of productivity of a flower. And, if on option with fertilizers the average uroyozhaynost of a flower of a calendula was higher on 0,9 c/hectares, than on control (without fertilizers), here it appeared big and carrying out of elements of a food, respectively: nitrogen – for 9,1 %, phosphorus – for 5,1 % and potassium for 7,0 % (tab. 3).

1. Influence of norm of seeding and fertilizers on productivity of a flower of a calendula, c/hectare

Assessment of private distinctions:

NSR05 for factor A=0,5 and/hectare NSR. for factor V=0,4 of c/hectare

Note. The uroyozhaynost of a flower of a calendula is given in the table in air su­xom a condition at 16 % – ache humidity.

As a whole it is necessary to note that kalendu­la with a crop of a flower takes out rather small, in comparison with others kultu­rami, amount of nitrogen – 42-45 kg/hectares, potassium of-49-52 kg/hectares and there is some phosphorus of-17-18 kg/hectares.

As a result it is necessary to note that the calendula in the conditions of the South of Ukraine on bogare is capable to a samoizrezhivaniye at excessive zagushcheyoniya and is poorly sympathetic on fertilizers.

Calculations show high ekonomichesyoky efficiency of cultivation of a calendula in conditions to the Crimea. Thus the net profit makes 5470 úÓ¡./hectare, and economic ef­fekt reaches 1178 úÓ¡./hectare.

2. A mass fraction of basic elements of a food in a flower of a calendula, % for absolutely solid

3. Influence of norm of seeding of seeds and fertilizers on carrying out of basic elements of a food by a crop of a flower of a calendula, c/hectare

V. Pokryshchenko, candidate of agricultural sciences, L.Mynko, candidate agricultural naukS. Smiths, candidate agricultural naukInstitut efiromaslichny and UAAN herbs.