In the Crimea bread one of the most expensive in Ukraine

In a note it is a question that in the Crimea price of bread one of the highest in Ukraine. Price of bread in an autonomy advance the average level of the prices in other regions of Ukraine.


In the Crimea price of bread one of the highest in Ukraine. At average cost of bread from a premium flour in 3,73 hryvnias for 1 kg, in the Crimea it makes 4,25 hryvnias.

Reskomtorgovli Svetlana Nemirovich reported about it at meeting of the working group of Council of ministers on control of the prices in the food market of an autonomy the first deputy chairman.

According to her, since January 26 of JSC Krymkhleb rose selling prices of 7-14 % that led to a bread rise in price in retail for 20-40 kopeks. The advance in price on bread is caused by imitation of energy resources, increase in the size of the minimum salary, a rise in prices for raw materials, and also need of repayment of the currency credits.

“Price of bread in the Crimea advance the average level of the prices in other regions of Ukraine – emphasized Nemirovich. – As of January 30 the rise in prices for bread across Ukraine made 0,3 – 0,7 %”.

According to Reskomtorgovli, rise in prices of JSC Krymkhleb led to a rise in price of production of other producers.

“For January 30 at us the most expensive bread from rye and wheat flour, and on other positions we takes a penultimate place” – noted Nemirovich.

She added that according to the arrangement with "Krymkhlebom" minimum price of a social grade Steppe shaped which is realized in a distribution network on 2 hryvnias is kept. Also Reskomtorgovli considers expedient to consider the problem about possibility of reduction of prices of social grades of bread at the expense of other types of bakery products.