New quarantine illness of sunflower

In article it is reported that in the list of quarantine diseases muchlisty dew of sunflower or plazmopara hung. Signs of defeat of plants are listed by this disease. Measures of fight with plazmopary are besides given.

Krymgoskarantin informs

           The sunflower is grown up practically in all areas of Ukraine, and in the Crimea is annually sowed on the area of 30-35 thousand hectares.

           The crop of sunflower is used in cultivation places, taken out for processing to other areas, and also exported out of limits of the Crimea and Ukraine. Producers of sunflower should know about a fytosanitory condition of this culture, anticipating problems which can arise at cultivation and realization of seed and commodity sunflower.

           The international organizations on quarantine and protection of plants entered in the list a mushroom quarantine disease – false mealy dew of sunflower or plazmoparu (Plasmoparahalstedii (Farlow) BerleseetdeToni).

           The quarantine illness of sunflower is delivered to Europe from North America in the 20th century. This illness on all zone where the sunflower is grown up extended.

           On biological development false mealy dew damages lines, hybrids, grades at different stages of growth of culture. The infecting agent remains in soil, the vegetative remains till 7-8 years. The infection can be transferred through seeds.

           Penetration of the activator into a healthy plant occurs at existence in moisture soil where zoodispute sprouts through epidermis of roots, damaging the bottom leaves. During the vegetative period the infection is shown in:

a) – drowning of shoots;

b) – system infection of a stalk, leaves, seeds. On the bottom party of leaves there is a white raid of a sporonosheniye of false mealy dew. A summer zoosporangium with zoodisputes infects about themselves not one hundred plants.

Distribution of an illness occurs to the help of a sporangium which are transferred from the infected cultural plants and sunflower self-sowing.

           To reveal this disease it is possible only at inspection of crops of sunflower and carrying out fytosanitory examination of samples. Only this way it is possible to establish a fytosanitory condition of seeds with which the areas of future crop will be sowed.

           The import seed material can become a source of penetration of an unsafe disease. Therefore all seed material is necessary for delivering and taking out only according to certificates which are given out by inspectorate for quarantine of plants.

N YURICHEVA, agriculturist phytopathologist Krymgoskarantina.